Ryzen 7 or 5.
I'm more of a casual gamer, however I have an i7 (from intel and not AMD) It really depends on what type of games you play or hardware you're running as those are dependent on the CPU, however most games share the load between the CPU and GPU.
I would be more casual. Maybe some PUBG here and there. Not a COD or Battlefield fan. Love RPGS and MMOS. Still debating on streaming or not. Console games have just gotten so boring too me. Although Back 4 Blood is fun as hell.
So for intel. That would be like you getting I9? In a sense? You don't necessarily need that much?
Hey @Beardedsob90
I like the answer that @TheDLP123 gave here. It will depend more on what you're looking to do with your board. Typically, I'd recommend the Ryzen 5 5600X for someone who is looking for a great price to performance option. If you're looking for more performance with or know that you'll be doing more multitasking, I'd recommend a CPU with a bit more. perhaps a 5800X instead.
The 5600X and 5800X are great CPUs for those of us looking to game! While you might get a few extra frames if you go with a higher-end CPU, I think that generally, the diminishing returns when doing so are a bit cost-prohibitive for me. I'd rather spend more on a GPU, which gives more frames per $. Personally, I have the 5800X and I love it, the 5600X has fewer cores, but still offers incredible performance for gaming. In some cases, the 5600X can actually outperform the 5800X.
What kind of budget did you have in mind for your CPU?
A good resource we have for picking out a processor is our guide for that specifically as well, which can be found here:
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