My computer turns on for a sec then turns off then turns on again but there says no Signal on tv

It’s not the tv or hdmi cord I built the pc a year ago everything was working fine I used it daily I stopped using it about 2 months ago and I when I tried to turn it on now it won’t display any image all of my fans are running I tried to take the ram out and clean it nothing seems to be working , it will cut on for like 5 seconds then cycle off and on again on its own but after that it will stay running but alas there would be no image


  • PowerSpec_MikeW
    PowerSpec_MikeW PowerSpec Engineer
    Sixth Anniversary 2500 Comments 100 Answers 250 Likes


    It would help to know the specs, particularly the motherboard model. If you have debug LED's or a debug code LED, that would be extremely helpful.

    Just from the description, it sounds like memory training, then it eventually fails and hangs. Clear CMOS and test with one stick.

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