Energy Stem project for kids

I’m working on an energy project for kids. I’ve seen kits that show how wind can charge a light bulb. What I want to do is show them how wind can charge a rechargeable battery. Then use that same battery to charge a light. 

I’m wondering which components to use to prove this point. 

Any thoughts would be welcome! 


  • PowerSpec_MikeW
    PowerSpec_MikeW PowerSpec Engineer
    Sixth Anniversary 2500 Comments 100 Answers 250 Likes
    I'm not aware of any kits that we sell built for this or kits in general, but it something you can certainly build. It's a little more complicated than the solar charger, though you wont need a blocking diode. Basically you're looking for a wind turbine with a DC generator, probably 12v.. You'll need an adjustable voltage regulator. From there you'll just be doing the math and adding resistors to keep the voltage right and the current in the range for charging the battery.

    We wouldn't have the wind turbine or DC generator but we do carry voltage regulators and resistors, battery holders, ect. 
  • AlexPasseno
    AlexPasseno Store Associate
    10 Comments 5 Likes Micro Center Store Associate First Answer

    A really fun energy project would be using peltier coolers! theyre two ceramic plates and if you apply heat to one side and cool down the other theyll create a voltage differential thats really inneficient and hard to control but a really fun way to pull electricity from seemingly nothing!

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