What is the best approach to put together a Raspberry Pi temperature logger?

I am contemplating a project to data log three temperature probes (K type) from a fermenter into a Raspberry Pi - directly into a spreadsheet with a graphical output.  I have no Pi experience, but from a crude search, I know it is possible.  I can handle the spreadsheet stuff, but I need help on what type of equipment to purchase (type of Pi, accessory boards, cables).  I have the K probes, a wireless keyboard and mouse.  I also have an old RGB TV that I'd like to use - which I understand can be hooked to a Pi.  Ultimately, I'd like to run some thermodynamic/fermentation modeling with the data - which I can do myself, probably with Python.  Of course, I could do this by buying some off the shelf stuff, but I'd like the challenge and I'd like to do it on the cheap. 


  • PowerSpec_MikeW
    PowerSpec_MikeW PowerSpec Engineer
    Sixth Anniversary 2500 Comments 100 Answers 250 Likes
    Greetings @Bouvet

    Hardware wise just, the sensors, wire, and you'll need a resistor for pull up. You're using it for a fermenter so I'd look at the Adafruit DS18B20. The wire is shrink wrapped and they include a 4.7K resistor. It's waterproofed. From there it's just wire and connecting the temperature sensors and resistor. 

    As for the Raspberry Pi I'd buy the 3 B+. You don't necessarily need it but it's $25 for the 1GB version.

    There are a few other things that would make it easier to assemble. I'd get a Pi Cobbler and a breadboard.
  • Thank you!  This helps.  I appreciate it.  Since I am happy with my k-type temperature probes for a couple of reasons.  How do I get them to connect to the Pi?  I see some small modules out there that seem to go between the probes and the Pi.  Are they needed?
  • PowerSpec_MikeW
    PowerSpec_MikeW PowerSpec Engineer
    Sixth Anniversary 2500 Comments 100 Answers 250 Likes

    You'll be using the I2C bus to record data. So basically you're going to a GPIO pin for data, 3.3V to ground, K type should be 3-5V operating voltage. The resistor between the GPIO and and 3.3V for pull up. And then your ground of course. Easier with the breadboard and a cobbler. Just be careful and mindful of the power requirements. There are plenty of diagrams and guides online for connecting several temperature probes. to a Raspberry Pi.

    There's a good diagram in this article that should illustrate it pretty well: https://pimylifeup.com/raspberry-pi-temperature-sensor/

    You can use the cobbler to connect the GPIO to the breadboard via a ribbon cable, probably a little easier.
  • AlexPasseno
    AlexPasseno Store Associate
    10 Comments 5 Likes Micro Center Store Associate First Answer

    The Pimoroni enviro is a really good all in one solution for you with minimal work, you can even get one with an air quality sensor on it to.

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