[CLOSED] Back to School with Micro Center - Win a $500 Micro Center Gift Card!
My First actual PC build that could do streaming and gaming at the same time. Would help me stream and game a lot with better video quality compared to my gaming laptop with a 1080.
Its just a sistem that can do both play games and also work from home, a little bit of an upgrade from mine but without throwing all put
times are tuff and we need something for my son to do his school. He would love a cool pc and to game on it with his friends too. he watch linus tech tips and austin evans. this would help to build him his dream pc too. finger are crossed
I am going into college and I will be taking a programming class. though it may not sound like much but I hope to be able to use this type of computer for modeling in a 3d software and Large programming projects, mostly architectural design, and some gaming and video making and game development on the side. just need something powerful enough computer to handle something like that even without a graphics card.
I have been using my moms PC that is very old and slow for quite a while now but I dont have the money to upgrade. I am a student and I need it to study and some gaming and this would help for me and my brother.
i need this pc for coding and a little bit of gaming i have been plaing on a intel hd 4000 and 8 gb ram and i7
please let me win https://www.microcenter.com/site/content/custom-pc-builder.aspx#selector_8
I am not sure what I am doing, but it is fun to dream. Would love to have a gaming computerhttps://www.microcenter.com/site/content/custom-pc-builder.aspx?toselectorId=92&configuratorId=1&requiredn=4294966899&originaln=4294966899&newItem=false&bf=Custom&cn=Configurator¤tproductid=0&rootN=4294966899&productId=638140&sku=281741&brand=Lian%20Li&productName=Side%20Diffused%20LEDs%20Strip%20for%20LANCOOL%20II&refine=#selector_92
$500 BUILD (ish)
Mmmm, I know I didn't have to but I don't have much $ to spend on gaming pc stuff so hopefully, after gpus become normal you can add one but this but for now this is a NO GPU and about $500 build (its 580 without discounts but -20 for Microcenter motherboard discount, so 560 ain't too bad u can get less with a b450 mb). This would be better than anything I have now and would help so much with 3d design, programming, and definitely be decent at gaming.
Building a pc will help me tremendously because I have been stuck with my parent's laptop for almost 10 years. Although it still runs pretty good, it slows me down on large applications like adobe photoshop and premier pro. This pc will help me run those applications smoothly and on my free time, I can play games with my friends without any lag. My dream pc would look something like this:
In desperate need of an upgrade from my current aging almost decade machine, there's only so much you can upgrade it with until an all new machine is needed.
https://www.microcenter.com/site/content/custom-pc-builder.aspx#selector_19This would be my first pc I know it’s over kill at the moment but it’s my dream pc go big our go home right this would be for everything work/school/gaming/streaming/editing ex.
Honestly, I've never even held a marginally powerful system, but I've always wanted to be a programmer, specializing in game design. I've always loved games and wanted to be part of the people that make the games as well, but a powerful system is needed for that and I hope I can get one as good as this someday...
I've been needing a computer ever since online school and it looks like ill have to go through that again. so this is not an overkill pc build and some parts are overkill in it because the regular parts weren't in stock, but yeah this is the dream pc https://www.microcenter.com/site/content/custom-pc-builder.aspx#selector_90
Always wanted to use a separate PC to stream but never really thought it'd be worth it, but with the 500 you would get this baby. Just throw in my old GPU and it wouldn't mind streaming at all.
I need a pc for school and gaming as my not very capable laptop recently broke . Here are the parts from my entry level pc as this are the parts I am planning to use for my first ever pc.
https://www.microcenter.com/site/content/custom-pc-builder.aspx?load=619dafa9-9ec9-4566-9f69-54b8693c9d92 there’s the list. That would be my first build and I tried to keep it on a slight budget, about what I would pay for a pc. My school uses computers a lot as well
Love going up to Tunston from San Diego whenever I get a chance and look at the cool PC components with friends. Would love to build a cool gaming PC for my dorm that is MicroAMTX. Love the form factor and it would be the most practical for me.
I wanted to build a better PC for streaming games, doing my some programing work for school and person projects.
This pc will be my first pc and I've always dreamed of building a pc since I was 8 years old and I am now 17. https://www.microcenter.com/site/content/custom-pc-builder-amd.aspx?load=7598ecda-00a6-404a-8088-934153080d08
I’ve always been into gaming but I’m very limited with only a MacBook right now. I’ve want to get into streaming on twitch and video editing. This would be my budget starting pc. I like a stealthy black color scheme.
The current build I created is something that is mid tower and powerful. I can probably run it with integrated graphics until gpu prices come down
. As for OS will run Ubuntu since it free.
https://www.microcenter.com/site/content/custom-pc-builder.aspx?load=bfd1c1a4-b437-4a01-88f7-fafa062ada85 -
I have been wanting to buy a pc for years. This will be my first pc build and this pc will help with school and gaming. Especially during online school. I wish my computer was John so God can say come fourth and you shall be granted eternal life, but no it came fifth and won a toaster. No wonder it gets so hot and makes weird sounds. Anyways I want my pc to be John and be granted eternal life. This will be a great upgrade and investment to my pc especially for school last year I had the hardest time my computer would die when its at 50%, it would turn off randomly too, something is hitting my fans and its so loud I just need a upgrade. Lets not even talk about my old Mac (cant even run a game like Roblox or Minecraft). Not only it will be helpful school but for gaming I am planning to record, edit, and game on this pc. Im telling you I will make myself something from this pc. I used to play on Nintendo it only get 30 fps 🤢 then xbox I can finally play more games like cod and get 60fps. On pc tho that's when im chillin I am planning to play games like valorant, Cold War, warzone, rocket league, genshin impact, Minecraft java edition, gta 5, and more. I cant even tell you how much I watch videos about pc's hours bro. I watch bitwit, Austin evens, techsourse, Linus tech tips you probably know them. You know what this will make me more motivated to do better at school because I have this beautiful gaming pc right next to every time I feel sad while doing my work I can look at my pc and will bring me happiness. Also im probably not going to win but if I do it will be my first time winning a giveaway. Thank you for giving me and everyone a chance to win.
(it wasn't letting me pick the psu cables???)
all I have is a VERY old pc that cant run any office application, so I just need something to get by, hence the cheap build. This is NOT something I could get with the 5 dollars I have. Thanks, micro center! :)
I've never had a computer that can run games smoothly, I'd like it for games in my free time while it's still useful for school and I'd also like to get into streaming. I figured this build should be good enough as all I want is a smooth 1080p experience, although if I can get my hands on a powerful graphics card, I might make the jump to 1440p, I hear it's such an upgrade, but for now, I'm sticking with 1080p on my normal computer.
https://www.microcenter.com/site/content/custom-pc-builder.aspx?load=f8f43348-65d3-4e78-8fd9-40e61be78120 this right here would be my ideal gaming pc i do play games alot and i do want to become a youtuber but this is more of somewhat a budget pc i could no where near afford this but i just wanted to show you guys what i would want if i ever were to have the money cheers guys and good luck to everyone else in the giveaway have nice lives guys
I’m trying to build a good of for school and family no but I never can get a good enough job for a good enough money. I’m trying to get parts so I can build one with my dad and it’s hard if you want to do it on your own. So I have a list that I got from Austin evans video. So here’s my list that I hope I can upgrade and do me good for a while.
That's my build , I wanted it to be good for gaming and studying it's in the mid range I tried to go with good and cheap parts , Ryzen 5 and a 3060 card with a motherboard and power supply that accept an upgrade in the future
My sister is heading to college soon and was putting together a build for her for gaming and work for her engineering classes. We'll have to make due with an older GTX 960 I have from an previous build until we can get our hands on a good newer GPU, unfortunately
I want a PC good for programming and emulation. I'm trying to go DIRT CHEAP, so I'm taking the opportunity to use the card for my goal. I currently have a 6 year old PC with an Athlon x 2, so this is the way to GO! https://www.microcenter.com/site/content/custom-pc-builder.aspx?load=92b6f54a-a757-4ad3-b31f-ca45e3ec6564
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