How do I tell what model/version of an SSD will work with my PC?
I am trying to upgrade my PCs hard drive, and decided to purchase a new SSD. But I was told that only certain models of SSD will work with certain manufacturers/PC models. How do I discern what SSD will work with my PC?
Hmmm, I am unsure who told you this. Well, actually if your pc does not have a m.2 slot then no a m.2 ssd will not work, any ssd should work if its 2.5in standard.
I really do apologize, I don't know much about computers. Can you give a bit more explanation on m.2 slot and 2.5in standard? I am quite eager to do my upgrades, I would also be in the market for other upgrades to my PC as well. Any help, guidance or suggestions are more than welcome!!
Hello! We would be able to assist you with more information about your PC. What brand/model of PC do you have or what brand/model of motherboard is this for? Thank you!
My PC is a HP Omen, System Model 870-281. (Side Note: I am also interested in upgrading other parts of my PC).
Hello, I found this regarding your PC that lists all the parts / specs typically found in that model -
Looks like it has 2 m.2 slots based on this motherboard description. Any brand of m.2 drive would work if you wanted to add an m.2 drive, doesn't have to be specific to brand or anything, the same would apply for a 2.5" or 3.5" hard drive. You can find other part upgrade information on this HP support website page as well.
Awesome!! Thanks so much!! If I have anymore questions, should I post them here or start a new Microcenter conversation?
Oh, I took a look at the link you sent me, I see the specs for my PC, but where is the link/page for computer parts that would be compatible for my PC?
Are you just looking to add an SSD or other parts?
Well, right now I am focusing on new SSD drive, it would be convenient, but I am curious as to what else I can upgrade. I prefer to have my computer running at full capacity (I am an avid gamer), so I am curious.
For upgrades for your PC, to install a newer processor/motherboard that is currently sold/produced, you would need to change the motherboard to something that can support the processor. The 7700k currently installed came at the end of a generation (Kaby Lake), there isn't really a better processor you could get without changing the board. If you wanted to The RAM could carry over to a new motherboard. Something to note with changing the motherboard, your Windows key is going to be most likely tied to the old board so you may have to purchase a new Windows key if you do that.
The SSD you can add a 2.5' drive or an SSD, either should be fine. You would want to ensure the case has an open slot for a 2.5" drive if you go that route.
With the power supply only being 500 W's, you would have to change that if you were interested in a 3000-series video card by NVIDIA or one of the new AMD cards as they typically require a bit more power than what you have right now.
Please let us know if you have any other questions!
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