Windows 11 Requirements
What suggestion when MSI MS-7641 may not be TPM/SecureBoot supported and AMD Processor FX-8320 Eight-core are not supported?
Which parts are recommended should there be a need to replace the motherboard and CPU?
Greetings. If you are wanting to upgrade Windows 11 on this PC, you'll unfortunately need a new motherboard and CPU. If you do not have DDR4 RAM as well, you would need that as well to work with a newer motherboard.
For the processor requirements, anything 8th generation Intel or newer will work as well as AMD Zen+ or newer. For a full list of compatible processors, check out the Microsoft support pages -
and for AMD:
I'm not familiar when it comes to compatibility or factors needed to make Custom PC to around entry-level gaming PC.
Not certain whether to find a Motherboard that can fit into existing "Diablotek Diamond ATX Mid Tower Computer Case (CPA-0170)" or find a "suitable" desktop case alongside with the rest of the parts.
If you're not quite sure where to start, I'd look over our guide for choosing PC parts found here:
Your computer case should work as ATX is still the standard size for most motherboards but you may want to change cases for more USB ports, front jacks, etc.
Just to search for mATX/ATX motherboard and possibly equivalent to Intel i7 processor or higher and replacing DDR4 RAM for 16 GB?
~ Graphics card: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 750 Ti OC 2 GB 128 Bit DDR 5
~ Motherboard: MSI MS-7641
~ CPU: AMD Processor FX-8320 Eight-core
~ CPU fan: "what came with AMD Processor FX-8320 Eight-core package"
~ RAM: 1 HyperX FURY 4GB 240-Pin DDR3 SDRAM DDR3 1866 Desktop Memory Model HX318C10F/4
1 Kingston HyperX FURY 8GB 1600MHz DDR3 CL10 DIMM - Red (HX316C10FR/8)
~ Power Supply: CORSAIR CX600M
~ Storage: Samsung 860 EVO 500GB 2.5 Inch SATA III Internal SSD (MZ-76E500B/AM)
~ Case: Diablotek Diamond ATX Mid Tower Computer Case (CPA-0170)
You're looking at a pretty substantial upgrade. The CPU certainly is not compatible, and the motherboard is AM3. Upgrading to a compatible CPU, is going to require an AM4 board, which will in turn require DDR4 memory. Another factor is the video card. EFI Support on a 700 series Nvidia card can be spotty. I'd expect to replace all of those components.
You want to keep your case, so we'll stick to mATX boards. What's your budget for the upgrade?
My budget for current specs was less than $1000.
What are my options for theoretical budget of $1500?
GPU availability is still difficult. You'll want something in the range of an RTX 3060 or 3060 Ti. On the AMD side, 6600 XT. Your power supply will accommodate this GPU. Lets reserve $600-700 of your $1500 budget, and do the CPU/Motherboard/RAM and maybe an NVME drive.
Alternative is the Inland Premium 1TB. An NVME driver is worth the upgrade performance wise.
Leaves us with $670.
CPU/Mobo combo:,-msi-b550-mag-tomahawk,-cpu-motherboard-combo
I like the 5700G for price vs performance. An 8 core CPU just above the 5600X in price. You're also getting an APU, which you'll potentially add value if your a streamer, by using the APU as a rendering device. This combo is $460, so you're still well under your budget. Leaves you some cash for a new case potentially.
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