TW100 Drivers Needed - Win 8.1 or Win 10
I am looking for access to the drivers for my WinBook TW100. After reinstalling the Windows 8.1 the driver I2C device (power/battery status) could not be found. I upgraded to Win 10 and I still have the same Error Code 10 on the device. I found a driver pack but the included I2C driver was for an Intel chip, this I2C chip appears to have been manufactured by ITE.
On the old forums there was a Google Drive link that supposedly has the drivers, but I requested access 5 days ago and still nothing.
If you could please let me know where I can get these drivers, it would be appreciated.
You can download those from this new link:
Please let us know if you have any other questions!
Thanks, thought I replied already but I must not have hit submit before closing the window.
I downloaded the pack managed to almost get everything setup, fixed the touchscreen issue. But the driver pack still does not have the driver for the I2C Controller that will allow the battery status/monitoring to work. Same issue in Win 10 as 8.1.
With the driver that Microsoft installs, it has an Error 10 in the Device Manager. The I2C driver in the driver pack is for an Intel Chip (Vendor ID 8086) and Win 8.1/10 identify the I2C chip in the TW100 as having a Vendor ID of ITE and Device ID of 8568.
I have searched high and low for a driver for this, but it is impossible to find and it's very tough running the tablet blindly on batter power if there is no idea how much juice is left in it.
Do you still have drivers for this or can recommend how to get this important functionality working again?
The touchscreen driver is a bit different and can have some issues.
I recommend trying to add this file to C:\Windows\inf.
It is located here:
Thanks again. Touchscreen working well now.
Did Micro Center every figure out a fix for the I2C driver issue? I noticed there a number of threads on the old support website that talked about this, but nobody ever had a solution (or at least posted they had fixed it)?
Having a battery status LED is an absolute must.... I assuming that battery status is communicated through the I2C driver, it's the only "!" device left in Device Manager.
I am glad to hear the touchscreen is working.
I don't see any information on a fix for a I2C driver issue if you have already downloaded all the drivers from the links above. These tablets have been discontinued for quite some time unfortunately, so we do not have further information on a fix nor are in-store repairs available for these. You could try a Windows reset/refresh to see if that may help, but we don't have many other suggestions for this.
Yes, I figured there was no fix.... unfortunately, the chip I believe is some kind of microprocessor which means it probably has custom code on it.
It's too bad, even though this is old tech.... it comes in handy in the garage for an electronic manual and talking to the car for diagnostics.
Thanks again for the help.
It's been a long time since I've installed drivers on this tablet, but I do recall getting everything to work with 2004 on the TW801. For the I2C drivers, if you do a straight inf install, it won't override the inbox driver. You need to walk it to the inf file for all the I2C controllers.
Device Manager - Right click I2C - Update Driver - Browse my Computer - Have Disk - Browse to I2C inf - Next to install
Do this individually for all of the I2C controllers.
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