Do you have any issues with any other games or just these ones? Did you try an uninstall/reinstall of them?
Yes but they still crash.
Its the steam games that keep crashing. But the only steam games I got are Rainbow six, Rust, BattleField V, and Elder scrolls and they all crash.
I barely know anything about Pc’s so thats why I made a discussion, and Youtube doesnt help because none of those “fixes” work at all.
What are the specs on your PC?
Ryzen 7 3700X
NIVIDIA Geforce rtx 3070
32gb of ram
1TB of storage
And im pretty sure ASRock X570 Pro4 ATX AM4 Motherboard.
This is a prebuilt btw
What errors do you get when the games crash?
Literally just crashes, doesnt say anything.
The games just close or does your PC reboots/shuts off?
Most of the times the game’s just shut off, but then there are few times where the whole pc turns off.
Please try a clean install of your video card drivers to see if that will help the issues, here is a step by step guide on how to do this:
I tried your solution and it didnt work.
Sorry for the extremely late response.
Are these parts recent purchases from Micro Center?
Like 2 and a half weeks ago so pretty new.
Now last night the first 2 pop up error crashes came up. The error thing was for R6, then Assassins creed Valhalla.
It may be worth trying a refresh/reset of Windows 10 to help determine if this is a hardware issue. Here is how to do that:
It should be noted, all user data and information will be removed and all programs will be removed with a reset.
I did the steps but my games still crash.
they actually crash even more now
I think you guys gave me a bad fans, because they are overheating like a crap ton now.
@Brennan905 just chiming in. You have a x570 Pro4 board correct? If so use this link below and update your AMD Chipset Drivers. Then test Rainbow 6 to see if it crashes. If it crashes, then you want to go into Device Manager and uninstall your 3070 and deletes is drivers (ex., check the checkbox). Then restart computer and reinstall your 3070 GPU drivers.
Test Rainbox 6 again. If it crashes, then last step is to update your bios for the X570 pro4 motherboard (see link below, click on BIOS). We'll leave a BIOS update link with instructions on how to do that as well.
After the bios update, launch rainbox 6 to see if it crashes. If it still crashes after all of these steps let us know.
We may ask for a screen shot of your bios version to confirm these steps were completed. But if these steps were done and the game still crashes, it may be a defective GPU.
Bios Update:
Im not sure if I found the issue, but it seems whenever I run games the temp of the pc is above 65 degrees because of the overly demanding graphics of the games. So the cooler master that you guys had installed cant keep up. Not sure if this is the problem but its something.
typed it wrong like 65-70c
Were you able to try the suggestions provided above?
65-70C isn't all that hot and is actually quite tame for a processor under gaming loads. CPU's are rated for up to 95C in most instances (with some going higher than this). If you are seeing 65-70C on your 3700X, you're well within AMD's recommended operating temperatures:
What we need to do is open Event Viewer and review the critical logs that occur around the time of your crashing to see what exactly is happening so we can have a better idea of how to prevent it.
Based on your hardware description, am I safe in assuming this is a PowerSpec G707? The motherboard, CPU, GPU and cooler combination sounds awfully familiar to our PowerSpec G707 design.
Regardless, let's start by opening Event Viewer:
- Right click your Start Menu
- Select Event Viewer from the list
- Click on Windows Logs, System, then click "Level" in the top bar to sort by the type of log. Scroll up until you see the critical errors at the top of the logs list.
- Take note of the dates of the errors, open some of the more recent critical errors and send us pictures of the full error. From there, we will provide further instruction on how to proceed.
Alternatively, if this is a PowerSpec system, we offer a 48 hour repair guarantee and would be happy to assist in-store if you do not feel comfortable with these troubleshooting options. We also offer remote troubleshooting over the phone/chat/text where we can log in and help review these logs for you if you would prefer that kind of assistance. Regardless, we'll make sure we help get to the bottom of this crashing and that you'll be satisfied with your system by the time we are done with it. We look forward to hearing back from you.
Another thing to try is in Steam make sure you validate the game files so they're not corrupt. Rust in particular can have this issue as it has been a notoriously buggy game.
Sorry, ive been kind of busy these last 2 months. I did what TSMichaelB said to do and I have a somewhat decent amount or warnings, and errors, and like 3 or 2 criticals.
I think I might just have to bring it in to you guys for the 48hr fix. Also just one question about the 48hr fix. Does it gotta be in the box it originally came in or not?
For service at the store, we do not need the box. We would just need your PC and the power cable.
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