Building a Machine for Blender 3D Software
Hello guys, I am on a budget. I want to spend up to 750 dollars but still, be able to build a good machine that can run Blender smoothly. But I have no idea where to start by choosing parts. I am not sure what CPU, GPU, etc... to go for which doesn't break the bank but still allows me to do 3D modeling.
Any ideas would be greatly appreciated.
Your budget is not quite enough I say. Blender and 3d softwares have high requirements on both cpu, ram and gpu.
So what would you recommend as far as the built?
It's hard to find a fair priced gpu right now while 3d softwares like blender do uses nvidia and rtx features(cuda/tensor accelerating) . Get the best graphics card you can get(rtx>gtx>amd cards).
On your budget(probably not going to run very well):
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