Having issues with my wifi?

I built a custom pc recently, and I'm starting to have issues with the wifi speed. I tried resetting the router, and I even checked the speed on other devices connected to the network and it was very fast. I uninstalled and reinstalled my wifi drivers, and I changed the speed of the network adapter from 2.4 GHz to 5 GHz, but still there was no change. I also tried resetting graphics drivers and anything else I could find on the internet that might up the speed. If anyone knows anything I can do to get my wifi up to speed so it can stop running so slowly, please let me know I would be very grateful.

Pc specs for further information: Motherboard: MSI MPG x570 Gaming Edge Wifi.

Cpu: Ryzen 5 5600x GPU: Powercolor Hellhound Radeon RX 6600 RAM: T-Force

Vulcan Z DDR4-3200 MHz 16 GB. SSD: Samsung 980 1 TB

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