Can I receive a new code for video game in refurbished GPU that I purchased?
Hi, I recently purchased a 3080 ti that was returned to the store and received an email about claiming a free game. I went to redeem and it looks like it has been claimed already by the previous owner. I am wondering if I am able to request for a new code for the game, or if it doesn't work that way.
I have re-sent the game code information over to your email on file.
Hi Ian,
I had received these codes previously, but now I believe that it is tied to the actual hardware of the GPU and I am not allowed to redeem it since the previous owner seems to have already done it! Is this something we could work around or do you know if Nvidia would send me a new code for purchasing a returned GPU? If we cannot work around this, no worries! I appreciate your time!
Can you provide us a picture of the error message you get upon redemption?
Unfortunately the message has changed since, but this is what it says now! If I remember correctly, it used to say something along the lines of this code has been redeemed already and another one saying that this code has been used with this hardware already or something like that!
We have issued a new code. Please check your email for that information.
Here's one of the original errors that I talked about before. If this isn't possible at this point, I appreciated your assistance anyway!
You received this error message with the new code?
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