Where is info about AMD 7900XT/7900XTX release @ Microcenter?
When Nvidia released the 4000 series cards, both times Microcenter advertised ahead of time when they were going to be open and to say they had them in stock. Where is the information for the AMD release?
I am with you on this. Called the store asking about any info they said watch the community forums. Well, they still havent posted anything. A little bit of info would be nice. Guess I get there early and camp the front door tuesday morning.
I messaged this morning Dec 12th still no info on the day before launch.
nothing for st davids. clearly they dont give a s**t about AMD lol
What do you mean by nothing for St. David's? Like they won't have any?
Yeh, I hate saying but I am starting to think Microcenter are "nvidia fanbois". I'm not wasting my time driving to a store to come back empty handed and will give my business (regrettably) to Newegg/Amazon/BestBuy which will probably be easier to get online.
Was starting to feel the same way then. Went looking elsewhere for another source to purchase and couldn't find any. Thinking maybe its AMD who is not letting or just not telling anyone anything.
Not sure what you mean by this. When I was looking for information regarding the 4090 launch a couple moths ago, Microcenter provided no information regarding stock levels, queue handling, or pricing prior to the launch. I had to drive to the store the night before to see the sign they put up outside that stated they would be doing a randomized drawing for placement in line to purchase the card. I only found out how many cards they had a week later when I went back into the store to buy the 13900k, and asked a cashier.
I don't think they are doing this intentionally, as information regarding this stuff is universally lacking at all retailers. I think its the fault of Nvidia and AMD because they refuse to be transparent about anything prior to product launches.
I called them and asked about any info. They said they cant give out that info until day of release. I am going to be pissed if I wait in line and they do not have the XTX there. Be nice to have some input from @MicroCenterOfficial on anything about the release.
@Raygar For the 4080 release I checked their website the day before and they had all the models they were going to sell on the webpage but just set as "out of stock". So you can at least see what models they were going to have.
I don't believe they don't know what they are getting versus not telling people so they can get more business, like Black Friday, just get people in the store and they will most likely buy something. This is 2022, shipments and everything is very detailed and automated, they know what they are getting and how much.
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