AIO making rattling sound?

I have a powerspec g437 that I bought a year and a half ago and it started making this sound a couple months ago. Won't let me post imgur link with the exact sound.

Didn't think anything of it because temps are still normal. I'm not good at swapping parts so i've just been ignoring it since temperatures are relatively normal, never going over 65 for the CPU. I've recently thought about just buying a new cooler and paying a repair shop to replace it. Thoughts/has anyone else had a similar sound and was it in fact the AIO failing?

Best Answer

  • Shoan041
    Shoan041 ✭✭✭✭
    100 Comments Second Anniversary 25 Likes 5 Answers
    Answer ✓

    Hey Chadwick,

    Sometimes there are parts that are too close to the fans or there might be a screw loose that is causing the noises. It doesn't always mean that your cooler is failing. I would just look inside and see if there is something touching one of the moving parts and make sure the screws are tightened first before doing anything else.

    If you're still having the issue and you want our team to take a look, bring your computer to your nearest Micro Center's Service Department and they can diagnosis it for you.


  • Chadwick
    First Comment
    edited April 2023
    Everything is tight and in place as far as I can tell. Holding the tubes while it's running I can feel the water churning through them. Taking it to microcenter isn't really an option right now as I live an hour and a half away so 3 hours on the road to drop it off then assuming I have to pick it up later another 3 hours on the road 

    EDIT: Placing PC on its side makes it completely silent and benchmark CPU temps also dropped by about 10 degrees. Problem is the sound returns if I put it right-side up again so I guess it's staying on its side.
  • Shoan041
    Shoan041 ✭✭✭✭
    100 Comments Second Anniversary 25 Likes 5 Answers

    It seems like you have sediment building up in the loop. I had an issue like that with one of my builds. I ended up flipping the entire computer upside down and then all the way back around. It seems to have fixed my issue for now. It's been going strong for about half a year now. That might help clear it up, so you can put it back upright.

  • PowerSpec_MikeW
    PowerSpec_MikeW PowerSpec Engineer
    Sixth Anniversary 2500 Comments 100 Answers 250 Likes


    Some air bubbles worked their way into the pump. When you've got it on its side, they're sitting on top and you're not hearing the noise as a result. I would sit it upright and tilt the system forward and backwards if you can do so safely. You want the system on when you do this. You're trying to work the air bubbles back up into the radiator and the noise should go away.

  • PowerSpec_MichaelB
    PowerSpec_MichaelB ✭✭✭✭✭
    500 Comments Fourth Anniversary 25 Answers 100 Likes

    There shouldn't be any sediments in the ML240L, it's just a standard glycol mixture, likely with some added corrosion inhibitors and biocides. I am inclined to agree with @PowerSpec_MikeW as air getting trapped in pumps is extremely common on AIOs by design. Corsair has a good video on how to resolve air in the pump:

    It's best to do this while the system is powered on as the pump will help accelerate the movement of the air during tipping.

  • Shoan041
    Shoan041 ✭✭✭✭
    100 Comments Second Anniversary 25 Likes 5 Answers

    That is true, there shouldn't be. I should have said there could be sediments in the AIO water cooler. Ideally, there should not be, but manufacturers are not perfect and it has happened before and is more common than you would think. Usually it doesn't happen, but as I had said before, I have had that this happen with one of my builds. I was only attempting to offer a potential issue's solution, so that there is one more fix they can try. Unfortunately, they aren't close to a Micro Center to have it properly diagnosed. Hopefully, one of these two solutions we have provided will help them to find a better solution than leaving the computer on its side.

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