What are you using for video editing / resizing software?
My Canon came with simplified free version of Corel VideoStudio, which frankly I find wretched. What is everyone using to edit video? I don't mind paying one time but I refuse to get sucked into Adobe's subscription nightmare.
I mainly just need to trim out excess startup time and maybe trailing time and also the camera files are huge so I need to size them down and keep it in a commonly used format like mp4. The camera can take 60fps so in theory I can make slow motion effects but I haven't wanted to yet.
So, what does everyone recommend that is not a subscription based package?
If you have the time to learn it, DaVinci Resolve is probably the best option out there, Magix is pretty easy to use and Sony Vegas has been a staple for years. I'm sure the younger generation would probably say Capcut, but I'm old school......
Hitfilm used to be paid video editor but it is free to use now and has been for a few years.
I downloaded Davinci's free version. It's kinda strange to use but I guess I'm just totally new to video editing. I found some youtubes and am still going through them to learn it.
Davinci is definitely the best free software if you are doing pretty in-depth edits, can also be good for beginners especially in the long run.
If you really want something just super basic, I recommend CapCut. It's free and is super simple. It also has a mobile app as well and has some awesome integrations that a complete beginner can easily get used to.
Davinci is the bomb - the Free is almost, really, almost as robust and featured as Davinci Studio. There is a decent learning curve and tutorials and work-alongs are suggested unless you have a decent background with other platforms. There is nothing like Davinci, period.
For manipulating / compression is used but disliked Handbrake... I recently came across another free product called Shutter Encoder, which is basically a GUI placed on top of FFMpeg engine. The GUI just converts your inputs into the ffmpeg command line which is actually readable within Shutter Encoder.
Good luck.
Shutter Encoder huh? I'm gonna have to give that a shot....
Still Davinci Studio now @v18.6.1 stable.
Been using DaVinci video editor myself, very smooth and stable video editor. Comes in both a free and paid version.
Davinci is great if you're a colorist, I use final cut mainly but for quick social media stuff capcut is useful.
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