PC not showing splash screen and not booting into BIOS, goes straight to windows
I recently got a PowerSpec g445 and wanted to look into the BIOS, I tried to reboot but it goes black for a while then goes back into windows login. I have tried disabling fast startup and have updated all my drivers but nothing seems to be working. I have tried to go through the advanced restart but that just makes the PC screen go black until I eventually have to force shutdown it. I am using HDMI.
Sounds like a monitor issue with the BIOS resolution. Are you able to test another monitor or TV?
I only have one monitor that works with my pc, I have a VGA but I do not have an adapter. I forgot to mention, the boot splash also showed up the first time I turned on the PC but now never shows up.
You could try to force it into the BIOS. If it stays black, just Control+Alt+Delete to boot.
- Run command prompt as Admin.
- Type: shutdown /r /fw /t 00
- If that fails: shutdown /fw /r /t 00
The command that works varies by board, but it'll reboot and go into the BIOS.
I ran both commands and they both led to a black screen that I left by pressing ctrl+alt+delete
I might try to reset the cmos
That command boots you right into the BIOS. So it's definitely an issue with the monitor not being able to display the BIOS.
how might I fix that? Or should I just get a new monitor.
Unlikely there's much you can do. What brand and model is the monitor?
Sceptre F24
Don't have that one unfortunately. Try this: shutdown /s /fw /t 00 (if it fails, invert /s and /fw). After it shuts down, unplug the system and monitor from power. Wait one minute then try to start it up, should enter the BIOS from a true S5 state, see if that makes a difference.
Both led to a black screen, maybe I should just try to buy a new monitor.
May be the best solution. We tested on several monitors, TV's and KVM's without issues. It's definitely something I've encountered with a few monitors though.
Do you have any monitors to suggest that might work?
For gaming? What's your budget?
After buying this pc, probably under $150.
I'd probably go with this:
I actually was able to fix it, turns out that I was half-asleep when I set it up and plugged the hdmi into the motherboard instead of the GPU. Switching from the Intel to the dedicated GPU fixed it!
Should give you a major performance boost as well. Glad you figured it out. I actually didn't consider that we had IGP Multi-Monitor enabled on that model.
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