7900xtx Hotspot 110°c

I purchased an openbox 7900xtx reference card early October 2024, held on to the card untiuntil I have to build my new pc. Now its built today, I running the usual updates and ran only a couple bench marks, to start I use FF15. So I noticed the hot spot didn't look right, >100°(106-111) and the fans were ramping up very high likely maxed. Could there

be an issue with the card? I do have warranty with MC Tustin.


  • I had a 6900XT that has a 110C hotspot for two years, but it had direct die, so a little different. (MSI Gaming Z 6900XT)

    I used Honeywell phase change stuff to it and it's been it 80C most of the time now. Since yours is new, you might want to RMA it. MSI told me they would warranty it if I had any issues, but never did, really.

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