Memory is Maxing Out on New Build- Why ?


I recently built a new system

I had a Gen 1 - i7 P4 880 with 16gb Memory

I run 2 - GT 730 V-cards / 4 monitors

750 W PS

I normally have open Outlook, a few Excel files , several Firefox sites, streaming stock trading app, sometimes I'll monitor streaming Coinbase Pro ..

My old system would sometimes hit 9 gb memory usage per Task Manager - I also use iolo System Mechanic to defrag memory .. works good / helps with memory


So in Dec I went to my local Micro Center and bite the bullet

I bought

ASUS MB ::: Prime Z-590-P

Gen 10 :: i7- 10700K

G.Skill :: 32 gb 3200

and the following is in my case

Samsung M.2 970 EVO Plus 500gb

Samsung 860 EVO 500gb

and a 850 EVO 256gb and 870 EVO 250gb

2 DVD players

and 2 SATA II drives

PCI card w/ 4 SATA ports

Win 10 Pro

With all that - I am noticing my Memory is Maxing out 29 / 30 GB per task Manger

Right now it is 1:15am

I have open:


2 excel files

20 Firefox sites - Im doing research on several different subjects

Im Not Streaming Stocks nor Coinbase Pro ( its 1 am )

per task manager - right now I am using 18gb of memory

I am not doing anything different then what I did with my Gen 1 i7 880 / 16gb Memory

As I mentioned abv :

My old system would sometimes hit 9 gb memory usage per Task Manager

Now doing the same / same usage - my memory is hitting 18gb and when I stream stocks it will hit in the mid 20's and with streaming coinbase it would hit 28/30 gb of memory usage

i just closed all Firefox site except this one and the memory only dropped 3gb to 15gb

Does anyone have an idea why my Memory usage is so high

I have to use iolo System Mechanic to defrag memory

Hope someone has something to share, because Im puzzled ..





  • i just ran Defrag Memory option in System Mechanic and it dropped my Memory Usage to 2.5 gb from 15gb

    oh _ im still using my GT 730 V Cards PICe 2.0 - I did not upgrade my V.Cards to PCIe 3.0

  • PowerSpec_MikeW
    PowerSpec_MikeW PowerSpec Engineer
    Sixth Anniversary 2500 Comments 100 Answers 250 Likes


    Please screenshot task manager on "Processes" sorted by "Memory", highest to lowest and "Performance" with "Memory" selected.

    Also, Iolo System Mechanic defrags your HDD, not your memory. You don't want to defrag SSD's. Defragging generally helps with access times by reallocating data, with the access times on SSD's being what they are, this is obsolete. You're actually just putting unnecessary writes on the SSD and reducing the overall life.

  • Im not defrag the SSD - you cant defrag SSD's and theres no need to

    Im defrag'ing the Memory

    right now i have open


    2 excel files

    4 firefox browsers

    steaming stocks

    Memory per task manager shows

    28.5 gb being used

  • i just noticed that memory just dropped - per task manager

    nothing has changed -

  • i forgot to post this :

  • Here is a Current Snip

    I moved it over to my Vertical monitor, to get a larger snip

  • one thing i have thought abt is

    I'm running a 10th gen i7

    I purchased DDR-4 3200 ( 32 gb )

    MB :: ASUS Prime Z590-P

    When I was looking through the BIOS setup upon build - I noticed memory was clocking at 2133 - so , I set it to 3200

  • PowerSpec_MikeW
    PowerSpec_MikeW PowerSpec Engineer
    Sixth Anniversary 2500 Comments 100 Answers 250 Likes


    Ah, I hadn't seen that part of System Mechanic before. Defrag is an odd term for them to use. Seems to work like RAM Booster or one of the old memory 'cleaning' programs I've seen in the past.

    You should load the XMP profile for performance. Make sure you load the XMP rather than just changing the DRAM frequency, that'll introduce instability to your system. This doesn't have anything to do with RAM usage though. A program is using that RAM. We need to capture processes when the usage is high and see what's responsible. Then we'll try to figure out why it's using 20+ GB of RAM.

  • have not changed anything all morning

    same # of FF sites open - 4 , 2 excel , streaming stocks, outlook

    memory had dropped earlier to 4.8 gb - for some unknown reason

    ref posting abv posting...

    memory right now is at abt 45-50% - usage has been slowing moving up with no changes in app usage

  • its got to be Firefox

    from my understanding FF is the worst in Memory usage

    it just must be getting worse with each upgrade

    i dont know

  • PowerSpec_MikeW
    PowerSpec_MikeW PowerSpec Engineer
    Sixth Anniversary 2500 Comments 100 Answers 250 Likes


    Firefox can use a good amount of RAM, but it's showing it's using less than a GB. Can you go over to "Performance" and double click "Memory" to expand it? I'd like to see all the information, like in use, cached, hardware reserved, ect.

  • I just noticed your response

    You should load the XMP profile for performance.

    So do i leave it at 3200 and set XMP in Bios

  • PowerSpec_MikeW
    PowerSpec_MikeW PowerSpec Engineer
    Sixth Anniversary 2500 Comments 100 Answers 250 Likes


    XMP will set the proper frequency, timings and voltage. If you just upped the frequency alone I'm surprised you're not crashing, since it wouldn't of accounted for the timings and voltage. Running at 2133 you're likely CL15 at 1.2V. 3200 RAM should be at CL16-18 and 1.35V. I'd recommend XMP II on the ASUS board.

  • I see in the Manuel were it says :

    Supports XMP

    Looking thru the Bios manual - I dont see a XMP setting

    I'll reboot and look thru the Bios for XMP

    My old ASUS - I also had XMP -- Intel Extreme Memory Profile

    ASUS :: P7H57D-V EVO - very good MB

  • PowerSpec_MikeW
    PowerSpec_MikeW PowerSpec Engineer
    Sixth Anniversary 2500 Comments 100 Answers 250 Likes


    Now it's usually in AI Tweaker. Setting is called AI Overclock Tuner. Default is "Auto", you can change it to "XMP II". Save, exit. Give it a moment to boot, as it will go through the process of training your RAM.

  • ok - will do right now

    i post when - im back up running ..


  • XMP will set the proper frequency, timings and voltage. If you just upped the frequency alone I'm surprised you're not crashing, since it wouldn't of accounted for the timings and voltage. Running at 2133 you're likely CL15 at 1.2V. 3200 RAM should be at CL16-18 and 1.35V. I'd recommend XMP II on the ASUS board.

    yes - yesterday i was seeing problems and memory was peaking - my screens were frecking out - i thought a memory issue - i rebooted

  • Firefox can use a good amount of RAM, but it's showing it's using less than a GB. Can you go over to "Performance" and double click "Memory" to expand it? I'd like to see all the information, like in use, cached, hardware reserved, ect.

    but i just closed excel and FF - except this site - was getting ready to into the Bios

    logging off - going to set XMP

  • does Resource Monitor help you

  • PowerSpec_MikeW
    PowerSpec_MikeW PowerSpec Engineer
    Sixth Anniversary 2500 Comments 100 Answers 250 Likes


    We really need to catch it when it's above 80%_ and it's effecting the systems performance. Those screenshots look pretty normal, with 7GB in use on the Desktop.

  • Ok - XMP was enabled - although it was XMP I

    I changed it to XMP II

    I'll post a few pics in a min..

  • not sure why it says DRAM Status 2133

    i would have thought since I'm running a Gen 10 i7 - it would say 2933 even though I have 3200

    I thought Max for Gen 10 i7 - is 2933

  • PowerSpec_MikeW
    PowerSpec_MikeW PowerSpec Engineer
    Sixth Anniversary 2500 Comments 100 Answers 250 Likes


    That's the base JEDEC profile on the RAM. You can verify the speed in Windows. Go to Task Manager - Performance - Memory. It should show the frequency at 3200Mhz.

  • it does

    So I had it set at XMP I

    What is the Difference of XMP I vs XMP II ??

    this is what it looks like now - abt 9gb memory usage - which seems abt right for what i have open

    3 FF

    2 excel


    streaming stocks

    Hey Mike - thxs for all your attention and help

    I need to run - I have to meet a buddy that Im helping do some sheet rock hanging and texturing / home remodel - helps pay the bills

    I'll be back on line later tonight ...

    What is the Difference of XMP I vs XMP II ?? is this going to make a noticeable differance?

  • PowerSpec_MikeW
    PowerSpec_MikeW PowerSpec Engineer
    Sixth Anniversary 2500 Comments 100 Answers 250 Likes


    XMP II is the default XMP timings. XMP I are the ASUS optimized XMP timings. You can test XMP I, but it tends to be tighter on the secondary and tertiary timings than XMP II, more likely you'll run into an issue with stability.

  • hello Mike

    I have it at XMP II

    I have no idea what is happening

    Last night - 2nd time this has happened since i built this new system

    the monitors started going crazy and finally my start monitor moved to a different monitor - and my other 3 monitors were black

    i rebooted and all monitors came up normally except all my icons were moved to monitor #1

    Right now I have open


    1 excel

    5 firefox

    and I just looked and task mgr shows 29gb of memory being used - thats unbelievable

    i defrag'ed memory and it dropped to 4gb

    im wondering what the heck is making my memory Peak so high ...

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