Looking to get First pc for gaming
Need help choosing a pc or build one. I am planning on playing Call of duty competitively next year any recommendations. I am looking for under 5k
Good afternoon @JohnnyVC2000
Thank you for contacting micro center. I am going to send a message directly to you for this to get more details.
sure i will keep an eye on the message
@JohnnyVC2000 You have a budget of $5,000 USD?
@1Bored_soul_editor yes
Has anyone already put a list together for you? Because if not then I can
@1Bored_soul_editor not yet
Have you looked at the system requirements for CoD? A 6800XT and 5800X can run that at 4K Ultra. So what's the other $3K for?
What are you wanting for this system, like full on custom loop liquid cooling? I'm just trying to figure out this $5k budget.
@magarity that makes perfect sense, I don’t think you need more than 2-2.5 grand to get performance on cod
i have
@JohnnyVC2000, So would you like me to put a list together under 2.5k grand?
I honestly think there's no point in spending more than that, you should be getting at LEAST 200 fps with streaming in cod, and with the extra money you were planning on spending you could but some gear, mice, monitors etc
Sure if you can make the list it will be helpful
Alright, I should be able to have a list by today. Just need to know a few things, would you care if the build is Micro atx or does it need to be full size? Do you want a specific color scheme? And do you care for rgb?
micro atx. Turquoise black color cause that’s my teams colors. Yes to rgb
Thanks for the info! Sorry I wasn’t able to start til now because I had some work to attend to.
So after looking there aren’t really any turquoise black cases, so I think I’ll look for a torquise only case and I’ll put in black parts, do you agree?
Hey so I’ve been looking and not really finding any suitable cases but then I noticed the Thermaltake AH t200, and you could get it in turquoise black! The thing is it’s a little bit more confusing than most cases as it has a really cool shape, but take a look at it and
tell me if whoever’s building the pc can use it -
It’s fine. can you just do white and black
Sure with the rgb tho right?
Hey, so I have a build that's coming together but it's using the Fractal torrent RGB compact in black, which is ATX, I don't think you will mind though as it's still a pretty small case, but search it up and tell me if it's too big, just keep in mind, I have a really cool (and good looking) build that kinda needs this case.
I hope we can use this case, because i'm designing this build so the case is black on the outside, but its gonna have some rgb on the inside that you can set to a super nice frosty white, I tried attaching a photo of what it will basically look like but it's not posting right now, i'm just gonna tell you, it should look (and perform) incredibly well
Yea it fine the case
I'm trying to post a photo of the parts but it's not posting, i'll have to type them out later
By the way, the graphics card is way cheaper from Newegg but it’s out of stock now. But if you wanna wait a few days you could save a around 150 bucks
and with and with that motherboard you may need to upgrade the bios, but it’s an extremely simple process that you can find probably in the instructions
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