Tax exempt but can't get tax refunded


I had a workstation repaired in January and, when I looked what I thought was the receipt, there was no tax. That is correct as I work for a tax exempt university and this was a repair done for one of my users' iMac workstations. About a week later, I got an email stating that the charge on the payment card didn't match the receipt I submitted. So I checked the microcenter folder and found a receipt that did have about $15 in tax on it. I chatted with Micro Center support, gave them the number from the receipt that they requested, and was told it would be refunded. I never heard back. A while later, maybe a couple weeks, I started another chat to check on the status and was told that the only way to get the tax refunded was to go to the store. Would have been great to know that the first time but I figured it would still get done. Unfortunately, when I went to the store, I was told they couldn't refund me because it was more than 30 days after the payment. Not sure where to go from here but there must be a way to get the tax refunded for this purchase.

Anyone know who I can contact about this?



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