Restart issues with G714
Very often my G714 will not post during a Windows Restart. After entering the Restart command, the machine will start to POST but then hang before any USB devices are started. The yellow EZ Debug LED is lit, indicating DRAM is not detected or failed.
The G714 will start from cold state after a Windows shutdown command. The only issue is with Restart.
Best Answer
New kit installed. Three successful warm boots and one cold boot. It looks like the problem has been solved! I will test for the next few days to be sure. Thank you very much for your assistance.
Check your BIOS version by searching for "System Information" and opening that app. The BIOS/Version line will tell you. If you're on 1M4, I would upgrade to 1M6. Please see our post here for more information:
My G714 is on BIOS version 1M4. I will give the update to 1M6 a try. Is there any way to get a copy of 1M4 as a backup?
I can upload 1M4, but the only change in 1M6 is a VDDP voltage adjustment when EXPO is loaded. It's the same BIOS otherwise. This board also has flashback built in.
1M4 BIOS. For Flashback rename the file to MSI.ROM. It must be on a flash drive that's formatted FAT32 and connected to the port labeled "Flash BIOS". Press the associated button until the light comes on and then wait until it stops flashing. It takes 3-5 minutes typically.
I successfully updated the BIOS to IM6 and enabled A-XMP. Unfortunately, the system still hangs when doing a Windows Restart.
Try this. In the BIOS under the OC tab, there's a setting called Memory Context Restore. Set this to disabled and press F10 to save and exit. It'll slow the boot, but lets see if that solves the warm boot issue for you.
Memory Context Restore disable did not solve the warm boot issue.
Could you run Zentimings and screenshot what you see?
I'd like to make sure the memory is retraining properly after the BIOS update.
That's exactly what we'd expect it to train to. Was this a problem since day 1 of owning this PC or did it start after some time?
Lets try this.
OC - Advanced - Advanced DRAM Configuration - DRAM Bus Controls - Processor ODT Impedance = 34.3ohms. F10 to save and exit.
I just tried pulling the B memory stick. Two successful warm boots so far with only the A stick inserted.
As far as how long this has been happening. I have only had this PC for seven weeks. Didn't notice at first, but I'm not sure.
That's definitely something that's wise to test. Running in single channel mode is going to be a lot less stressful on the memory controller and that resolving it isn't surprising. Let me know if the impedance adjustment helps at all.
Impedance adjustment did not help.
That leaves us with some tertiary timings that would effect dual channel stability. I made the same adjustments on one of ours and set it to reboot 1000 times overnight to see if I can replicate anything, but this seems to come down to the individual memory controller. I'll look at it in the morning and get back to you with more information.
The two values that would create issues in dual channel, tRDRDDD and tWRWRDD are already set pretty loose. I don't think that's our solution here. Lets try upping VDDP 500mV. OC - Advanced - VDDP Voltage Control - VDDP Voltage Control = Manual
VDDP Voltage Adjust = 0.95
I'm a bit lost here. I click OC, scroll down to VDDP Voltage Control (under Voltage Setting), set to manual. A new option appears below named VDDP Voltage Adjust which is set to Auto. I can't change this value.
When you're on the VDDP Voltage Adjust line, just type 0.95 on your keyboard and it should change.
I made the change to 0.95v. Warm boot failed. I have noticed that if I perform the warm boot within a minute or two of the cold boot, it will sometimes work. However, if I wait ten minutes the warm boot always fails.
Interesting that it seems to need to be on a while before the issue manifests. A few more things to try.
- You said the issue went away with only the stick installed in A2, in single channel mode. Did you test the other stick in B2 to see if that also worked?
- Lets try dropping the DRAM Frequency slightly to see if the issue goes away. DRAM Frequency = 5400.
We do appreciate that you're taking the time to work through this. We'll get this taken care of one way or another.
So do you want me to move the B2 stick to A2, or just pull the A2 stick and boot with B2 stick only?
I would just pull A2 now. I'd like to see if the issue can be isolated to one of the memory modules.
I didn't change frequency. I just pulled the A2 stick and waited ten minutes. Warm reboot failed with B2 stick. So I put the other stick in B2, waited ten minutes, and the warm boot worked!! Seems like one stick has issues.
I'll shoot you an email in a minute and we'll get you a new kit.
I'm having this issue right now
Exact issue previous user reported? Just a warm boot issue or are you experiencing crashes and/or BSOD's? Did the system come with the 1M6 BIOS or did you flash it?
Everytime I hit restart the computer just hangs on a black screen, I flashed the BIOS to 1M6.
On 1M6 BIOS for G714 and the system is much more stable now with no crashes or blue screen...but one issue remains since day one. When doing a system restart in Windows, the computer hangs (meaning the signal is gone, but the RGB lights and fans continue) and an actual restart never triggers. As a workaround, I have to actually shutdown and power on again. Has there been a fix to why this model won't just restart? I've seen other comments of people having this issue, so I know I'm not alone.
We have 1MC on the AGESA firmware thread for this board. Overall improvements to memory stability. It's a warm boot issue, most likely related to MRC. MRC was updated on the 1MC BIOS. It retrains more often, but we haven't seen any warm boots issues on it.
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