PowerSpec G472 - random reboot from BugCheck
My computer worked flawlessly for 5 months. Then, 4 months ago, suddenly does random blue screen incidents and takes 7 minutes to reboot, whether it does it or I initiate the reboot. Done 2 Windows re-installs and several command prompts via chat by Microsoft. I'm still getting the random restarts, though now it reboots in a normal length of time. Event Viewer says the computer "rebooted from a BugCheck". It might be after a day, a couple of days, a week. Usually I am not using the computer when it happens, it's just running with programs open. It's not always the same time of day. Not always the same programs open. I've tried plugging into different power outlets, 12awg extension cords (too far from any outlets to plug in directly). Currently it's plugged into a UPS. UPS is rated for enough watts to cover the computer's power supply. Tried unchecking "automatically restart", and got blue screen instead of restart. Anyone have any ideas what's going on? Did I just get a lemon? BTW, my office computer (a Mac) doesn't have these problems. Thank you for the help!
That bugcheck code is IRQL_NOT_LESS_OR_EQUAL. Please run bluescreenview and screenshot it, we'll see what it's looking at. The long reboot. Does it mainly sit on a black screen or the initial PowerSpec splash?
Bluescreenview: https://www.nirsoft.net/utils/bluescreenview-x64.zip
Here's the screenshot of bluescreenview. It doesn't do the long reboot any more, that was when this first started, about 4 months ago. When it was doing that, it was a black screen, no PowerSpec or rotating dots.
Since the last Windows 11 reinstall by Microsoft, it reboots in about 30 seconds. Soon after initiating a reboot, I get PowerSpec in white on black screen, and then rotating dots for a few seconds. I am usually not around when it does the automatic reboot. Last time I was, I just saw a blue screen.
Thank you for the help!
It's consistent, points at the GPU driver. First I'd kill the low power state on the GPU and see if that does it. Nvidia Control Panel - Manage 3D Settings - Power Management Mode - Prefer Maximum Performance.
Lots of things running that may pull the GPU out of the low power state, could be a potential trigger for the BSOD. Would most likely also cause the screen to go black instead of visibly displaying a BSOD before it reboots.
Yep, that setting was set to "Auto". I changed it to "Prefer Maximum Performance". I thought I had that set already, but might have gotten changed during one of the Windows reinstalls. We'll see what happens now. Thank you!
That Nvidia Control Panel setting didn't fix the problem. I've had 2 more blue screens within 24 hours now. Any other ideas?
These programs that are running, what are they? I'm assuming they're programs that don't put any real load on the card. I'd pull bluescreenview and check all the crashes, make sure they're all highlighting the same drivers. Do a clean install with DDU if you haven't already.
Clean install of what?
I was going to say the Nvidia driver, but you mentioned you've already done multiple clean installs of the OS, so scratch that. Let me know what kind of programs are running when it happens. I'm assuming it's basically idle, but that may not be the case.
The programs that are running are the same programs that have been running all along. Remember, the computer worked flawlessly for 5 months before exhibiting the current behaviour. VMix uses the graphics card. Other programs are NDI5, Bitfocus Companion, Vicreo Listener, OBSBOT camera control software, Lumix Tether, Unity Cloud Intercom (wasn't running yesterday or today), Zoom, and NZXT.
I did a clean install of the Nvidia driver day before yesterday. The programs are usually open but I'm not working with them when the crashes happen. Yesterday, it crashed while I was doing a presentation over Zoom. Restarted and finished, but that was not professional.
I did a recent re-install of Windows 11, about 3 weeks ago. It was done with the help of a Microsoft tech, from a disk image. It didn't wipe out my programs or data. A couple of months before, I did a re-install of Windows 11 on my own, and re-downloaded and re-installed all the software at that time.
Bluescreenview screenshots, and some from event viewer.
Bluescreenview says "Driver_IRQL". What does that mean? Which driver?
It says it's the Nvidia driver. nvlddmkm. So you still only have 3 crash dumps? That would indicate it's not logging every single BSOD. Do the BSOD's always say Driver_IRQL_NOT_LESS_OR_EQUAL when you've seen them?
It has only crashed 3 times in the past 2 days. I thought that was 3 times too many..... I never looked at bluescreenview before that.
System should never BSOD. Unless there's a clear cause, like an incompatible piece of software, you have a stability issue. So on bluescreenview, you have 3 BSOD's, and that's what's shown, correct?
I have had many more than 3 random reboots. Maybe they didn't all show up on bluescreenview. I sent screen shots from the Event Viewer with some of the recent ones. This has been happening since November 1st. Random reboots, bluescreens, or freezes have happened once a day, every couple days, after a week, or 2 weeks. Usually while I'm not at the computer.
What can I do about the stability issue?
That's good information to have. Bluescreenview looked consistent, but if it's only logging a handful then it really isn't.
Memtestx86: https://www.memtest86.com/memtest86.html
Create a bootable flash drive and run it overnight if you can. It'll take several hours to run.
Thank you! How do I create a bootable flash drive?
Put in a flash drive you won't mind being wiped. Run ImageUSB.exe. Select drive and hit 'Write'. Then boot to it, F11 is the boot menu key. It'll start running automatically.
RAM isn't likely based on the symptoms, but it's worth ruling it out.
I downloaded and ran ImageUSB and Memtest86, and then restarted while holding the F11 key. It just started up normally, and I don't see the USB drive connected any more. I do not see a boot menu. Did I do something wrong?
May not have seen the USB input. Move the mouse and key board to USB 3.0's if they're in the 2.0's and try again. Watch your num lock and see if it turns on, would be an indication the keyboard is initialized.
The keyboard and trackpad were both plugged into USB 3.0 ports. I will try the restart again. Do I hold F11 right from the beginning of choosing restart, or do I let it shut down first?
Still not finding any way to run the memtest86
Can you run msinfo32 and post a screenshot for me?
Alternative would be via the BIOS. Delete on startup. If you can't get in that way, open elevated command prompt and type: shutdown /r /fw /t 00
Once in the BIOS, click and drag your flash drive over to the left to make it the priority then F10 to save and exit.
Getting into the BIOS is beyond my capabilities.
After a talk with the MicroCenter tech support team, I was advised to contact MSI and get the BIOS updated. The MSI tech was not able to update the BIOS. He said there was an issue with either the BIOS or the motherboard itself.
So now I'm left with getting warranty service from MicroCenter. They told me it would be 3-1/2 weeks before they would even look at it. I am disillusioned and frustrated.
Lets try the built in diagnostics just to get an idea. Type "Memory Diagnostic" in the search bar and run that program. Also, please post a screenshot of msinfo32 which you can also search for and run from the search bar.
We have a 48 hour guarantee on PowerSpec repairs under the manufacturer warranty. If this doesn't give us any additional information, I will reach out to your store and see what the hold up is. We'll figure something out.
I thought there was a 48 hour guarantee on warranty repairs. That was what I was told when I bought the computer, but that's not what the tech told me last night. I will run the Memory Diagnostics in a few hours when I get back to the office.
Thank you so much for your help!
I ran the Memory Diagnostic, but don't see where the report is.
Screen shot of the first screen of msinfo32. Do you need more of them?
Event Viewer - Windows Logs - System - MemoryDiagnostics-Results
No, that's what I was looking for. Are you able to get into the BIOS by tapping 'Delete' on a restart or did that fail as well?
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