Does Microcenter not allow you to pre-order parts?


I am trying to use the Custom PC Builder page and have Microcenter assemble the PC for me, but it won't let me push the order through since there is one part that is currently out of stock. Does Microcenter not let you reserve a PC part that's essentially just barring me from letting them put the PC together?

Additionally, when the parts were all available; it won't let me push the order through because the GPU is listed as being in stock in store.

What really has me flabbergasted is that I went down to the store to ask and after being re-directed twice to different departments, they essentially said that I can't even put the order in advance at the store even though they are the ones that I want to put the PC together.

Are all Microcenters like this or is the one in Michigan an anomaly? Why is it so difficult to give a business my money?


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