Driver Power STate Failure

my new laptop (HP Spectre X360) has frozen several times and gone to the crash message: DRIVER_POWER_STATE_FAILURE. Some websites called this the screen of death, but said it was merely a conflict with a driver on the system. Just wondering, is this fixable, or is it a deal-breaker for the laptop? Can a novice like me fix it? Thank you for any help!


  • PowerSpec_MikeW
    PowerSpec_MikeW PowerSpec Engineer
    Sixth Anniversary 2500 Comments 100 Answers 250 Likes
    There area  couple of possible causes with that BSOD. Combining it with the freezes is a little more concerning. Does it freeze and recovery or require a reboot? Have you seen any other BSOD's?

    You're going to look at the display driver first and then power management. I would start by reinstalling  your GPU driver. Could you provide the full model of your Spectre x360?
  • The computer reboots itself after  that BSOD. I'll take a look at the display driver as you suggested and the power management. the model is x360 15-df0008c. It is refurbished. thank you!
  • also, this problem really started after I'd installed our printer driver, so I could try removing that.

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