PSU 650w enough?
- AMD Razen 3600x
- Nvidia gtx 2070 super
- 16gb ram
- 1tb ssd nvme
Well if you are planning to update parts might be best to order the PSU at 750 WATS OwO. As PSU's are being bought pretty hot. (By hot I mean they are going LITERALLY out of stock at a lot of part locations even at Micro Centers.)
(My white cosair 750X that I saw when I got my PC parts at my MN Micro Center they had about 14 after I bought one for my build. The NEXT day I saw all 14 other PSU's sold out. O......O) Sure you can choose to wait and the 750 watt PSU will probably lower in price. But then you will be stuck with a redundant 650 Watt PSU if and when later you upgrade. . -
Kuppa said:
- AMD Razen 3600x
- Nvidia gtx 2070 super
- 16gb ram
- 1tb ssd nvme
Its also good for the sake of running your PSU at optimal power efficiency. PSU's are typically most efficient right at 50% of their power load, and even in a high-powered system you're not usually maxing out the power draw on all your parts. -
TSTonyV said:Kuppa said:
- AMD Razen 3600x
- Nvidia gtx 2070 super
- 16gb ram
- 1tb ssd nvme
Its also good for the sake of running your PSU at optimal power efficiency. PSU's are typically most efficient right at 50% of their power load, and even in a high-powered system you're not usually maxing out the power draw on all your parts.
If this were your setup, would you do an 850w?
I wouldn't. 850W would not be necessary unless you're running multiple GPUs. Even 750W can be enough for a dual-GPU setup if the rest of your system's power draw isn't too high. In your case, with a Ryzen 5 3600X and a single GPU, even if you try to heavily overclock your 3600 650W should still be plenty, since the 3600 doesn't have a lot of overclocking headroom out of box in the first place.
It all ultimately depends on your exact setup and how you plan to use it in the future, but if you don't plan to run multiple GPUs, I'd say 850W is unnecessary and you could save some money by dropping down to 750W or 650W.
TSTonyV said:I wouldn't. 850W would not be necessary unless you're running multiple GPUs. Even 750W can be enough for a dual-GPU setup if the rest of your system's power draw isn't too high. In your case, with a Ryzen 5 3600X and a single GPU, even if you try to heavily overclock your 3600 650W should still be plenty, since the 3600 doesn't have a lot of overclocking headroom out of box in the first place.
It all ultimately depends on your exact setup and how you plan to use it in the future, but if you don't plan to run multiple GPUs, I'd say 850W is unnecessary and you could save some money by dropping down to 750W or 650W.
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