Strict nat type

I didn't know what section to put this in but when i try to get on games like destiny 2 i keep getting a strict nat type error and i cant figure out how to fix it i'm running on an alienware laptop  
Thanks Rusher


  • Rusher said:
    I didn't know what section to put this in but when i try to get on games like destiny 2 i keep getting a strict nat type error and i cant figure out how to fix it i'm running on an alienware laptop  
    Thanks Rusher
    Hello @Rusher - So NAT is actually a feature built into your router. It stands for Network Address Translation. To make it simple, it is what allows your router to use 1 'public' IP address for all the devices on your home network by translating it to a number of 'private' addresses. Of course, this can interfere with some services or games as you are experiencing now.
    This can be resolved by modifying either the UPnP (Universal Plug n Play) setting or by port forwarding the necessary ports for Destiny 2. You will either need to enable UPnP or enable port forwarding for the ports this game uses, but not both. This would require you to access your router and make some changes. We have a guide that can explain how to access your router here.
    I recommend looking at this site here. It explains the different NAT types and how you can get yours to the correct one. You also will want to look at this link here. It shows what port numbers you will need to forward on the router for Destiny 2.
    If you can tell me the exact model number of your router is, I can find you a copy of the manual and explain where these settings can be found. 
  • my router is the netgear XR450 @TS_JosephF
  • PowerSpec_MikeW
    PowerSpec_MikeW PowerSpec Engineer
    Sixth Anniversary 2500 Comments 100 Answers 250 Likes
    Netgear has a good guide on how to enable UPnP and allow all the ports for the XBOX Live service here:

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