Windows Backup Application could not start
I'm trying to create an image so I don't have to reinstall all the drivers again when I switch out the SSD but I'm getting this error. I reformatted Western Digital 4TB drive to FAT32 and now only 32GB is available. I went to disk management and reformat to NTFS and 2TB was available now, BUTTTTT 1677.99GB is now unallocated and it doesn't let me expand to use the unallocated space.
I don't know which category this goes in for questions.
Error message below:
Thanks for looking
The service did not start due to a login failure. (0x8007042D)
I don't know which category this goes in for questions.
Error message below:
Thanks for looking
Windows Backup:
The backup application could not start due to an internal error:The service did not start due to a login failure. (0x8007042D)
Greetings. I am not certain if the entire error message came through?
The code block somehow truncates the text if it is more than one line? It shows up when I went to edit but not when posted. Weird.
I added the error message -
I think your best bet is going to be to use diskpart to clean/reformat the drive. We have a guide on DiskPart you can read through here:
It will cover opening diskpart, cleaning, and then reformatting. This is probably going to be the easier/more effective method than trying to mess around with expanding the partitions or anything like that. Cleaning a drive is a complete and total wipe of the drive of any partitions or formatting on it, so if a drive is giving you any kind of trouble with formatting or the like, this is a good way to fix those kinds of issues. Let us know if you have any questions or trouble with that.
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