Installing the latest RetroPie image with the Atari Games Card
Any possible help here? Pi Zero didn't work which is ok since I had a more appropriate use for it. I was going to get the Pi 3B but was talked into the 2GB 4B since it was the same price but after over $100 spent in various parts over two trips to Micro Center I still can't use the card. I did get the version installed and running to make sure everything worked but that of course has no ROMS. I have my Trooper 2 controller all configured and I am longingly looking to use it. I'm getting good at etching images at least having made several different boot cards to do different things. -
At this time the image is only compatible with Raspberry Pi 3B/3B+/3A+. We're working on a Pi 4 version, but it's not ready yet. I think the card is returnable, but I'm not 100% sure on that. -
I purchased the Atari Fightstick with the 32GBAtari card and while I can get it to properly boot up and play the games, the problem that I am having is with the pre-installed version of Retropie. When I tried to update it using the Retropie interface, I get a message stating that the version of Retropie that I have installed is based on Rasbian Stretch and is no longer supported. It recommends that I install the latest Retropie image. I think that I know how to do this from the Retropie site, but if I flash a new image to the Atari card, will it erase the pre-instaleld games? How do I properly update Retropie and not lose the Atari games that I paid for?
I ended up adding a Pi 3 to my collection and finally was able to install from the Atari card without issue. I have also installed the latest Retropie on my 4 and though this whole process I'm learning a lot about the Retro gaming world. It is fairly complicated matching emulators, roms, bios, controller configs, and directory locations. @Slacker55 if you do the install from the Atari card the roms are easy to locate. The are in folders under the roms folder for 2600, 5200, 7800, and arcade. You can transfer them to the same folders on another installation of Retropie. I am probably going to do that soon myself when I get the dual Fightstick with trackball. My plan is do the arcade games on the PI connected to the Fightstick and console games on the other using my Trooper 2 or Xbox controller.
@NickBiederman I seem to have the same error as Viking- the Pi tells me it thinks the SD card is damaged.
@ZCerberus19 I'll send you a message about it
@NickBiederman, I hate to Pile on but I bought one on Feb 20, 2021. Blank screen on my Pi3 and unable to load error on my Pi4! HELP
@L_Skywalker the current cards only work on the Raspberry Pi 3/3B+/3A+
@NickBiederman or @LandShark talked about there being a pi4 image but it wasn't ready yet . I would like to update mine to a pi4 system also
I have a similar problem - my new Pi 3B+ boots into the installer and retains my WiFi settings; but resets in the middle of the download (at various places)
My power supply was inadequate. Current starvation was causing instability. If you're powering joysticks, at least 2A is needed!
I purchased the Atari Retro-cade kit on sale and it came with the Atari Micro SD CARD that only had a default Raspbian install on it.
@NickBiederman can you please assist?
@russlb I'll send you a direct message
@NickBiederman Thanks. I was able to get it installed and working with one problem. The previous videos for the games all have sound but when I play any game there's no sound at all. Anyone else run into this?
Anyone encountering a sound issue not coming out of the stereo port, I did this:
RetroPie Setup->Configuration->Audio->3.5mm
Works fine now!
@LandShark or @NickBiederman can you help me? I had it working without issues and then somethin went wrong with the SD card image so I could no longer boot. How can I get access to restore the image?
I contacted Microcenter support today and was giving access to the image after showing proof of purchase. My question now if what is the most current image VERSION so we can confirm we are running the newest update and for future updates?
Is there a Pi4 image yet? I ordered this online and did not see the Pi3 limitations. Should I return it? Thanks.
@Jbnc2010 just chiming in. You are referring to your purchased atari kit from MC correct? If so, we'll need to look at your order. We'll create ticket to follow up with you via email.
I purchased the Atari SD card April 2nd 2021. It boots to a black screen, any help would be greatly appreciated?
@LandShark or @NickBiedermanplease help. I purchased the full size Atari cabinet last night and it came with the default Raspian image as well. Can you please provide me with the installation image?
Sounds like I did not read the package very well as this is for a PI3. None the less the biggest reason I wanted to purchase this is so it would help in covering my rights to have the game.
@NickBiederman or @LandShark Hopefully a PI4 version will come out soon and that with my proof of purchase I will be allowed to upgrade to the PI4 image???
Hi - How do I go about getting this image. I purchased mine today and the Pi just boots into the std PI os. I did the online chat and the dude said they would send me an image - but still no Image. really aggravated about this.
Just grabbed the Atari Bartop kit last week and my sdcard also has a standard raspbian install. No Atari roms. Store has been unable to help. Would appreciate anything you can do. Thank you. -
@Purduecoz just chiming in. We need to validate the order for the Atari Kit to determine what we can do. Can you give us the reference number off your receipt? We only have access to the reference number history.
@TSTDavey Is there a better avenue than posting it here or is that ok? Can’t seem to find a way to direct message you.
I just got the retro bar top arcade and this 32gb chip is completely empty, can you send a download link?
@Purduecoz you can post the reference number here. We only have access to it as its a Microcenter number. I can also inbox you as well. Let me know if you prefer that.
@TSTDavey No problem. Reference number is <removed by staff>
@Purduecoz I've created a ticket on our internally for the SD card. If there are any issues we'll let you know.
Bought an open box version of the Atari Dual stick; however, the keys to the case were missing (had to pick the lock), and I think the SD card is messed up, and so are the buttons. Should I bring it back to the store and try to buy a non-open box?
Hello @Fishhead1
Thank you for posting on the Micro Center Community! I am sorry to hear that your Open Box Atari Dual Stick had items missing and a messed up SD Card. I recommend coming back to the store and an in-store manager can definitely assist you with getting a replacement.
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