All other options require a log in to complete, when I get to the windows login, I get the dreaded "defaultuser0" ID. Obviously can't get passed that.
So far I've tried
- Intel Core i7-9700KF Processor 3.6GHz
- NVIDIA GeForce RTX 2070 Super 8GB GDDR6
- 32GB DDR4-3600 RAM
- Microsoft Windows 10 Pro
All other options require a log in to complete, when I get to the windows login, I get the dreaded "defaultuser0" ID. Obviously can't get passed that.
So far I've tried
- unplug power cord, press and hold power button for 30 seconds. Reboot. Same issue.
- all the options in the "shift restart" options.
- tonight I'm trying the Windows on a stick restore (read as USB).
If you're completely unable to boot into Windows at this point then restoring/reinstalling Windows via USB would be a good option.
When the PC starts, does it ever say that's it's preparing automatic repair? If so, let that run it's course, then when it takes you to a blue screen click "advanced options" then "Troubleshoot." Click advanced options again, then go to Startup Settings and try booting into safe mode. If you can do that, roll back your video card drivers.
If you can't boot into safe mode, either try resetting the PC from that some recovery menu, or go through with restoring Windows via USB. -
Hi Tony,
Thanks for responding. No it doesn't say preparing for automatic repair. It goes to the windows log in and the username is defaultuser0.
I tried all the safe modes including to command prompt, however it asks to login which is only giving me one username to choose from, "defaultuser0". It seems everything I want/need to do revolves around a Microsoft log-in that I can't log in to. -
Okay, so Windows is booting, but the user account is messed. Besides Microsoft Flight Sim 2020 did you put anything else on the system? I think our best option here is probably just to reset the computer and start over fresh.
Scroll down to the "From the login screen" section on that article for how to reset the PC, you won't need to use a USB for this process. -
No other software was installed. I would love to start fresh, but when I try to restore to new, I'm unable to get past 4% until it stops and says "unable to restore, no changes were made" and kicks me back out to advanced settings.
I see. In that case your best bet would be clean install with a Windows 10 USB. Do you have access to another Windows computer?
Yes. Getting it started right now.
Let us know if there's anything else you need!
I definitely will! Thank you! PS 97% on creating the media drive.
WE HAVE WINDOWS! now to update drivers again or not? What do you think? 2070 Super.
You definitely need to get drivers installed so you can properly utilize the GPU. I'd go not with the most current release, but one release back just to be safe.
Thanks. Trying July instead of August. Here’s to hoping. 🤞🏽
It froze during MSFS install. Hard to press the off button to shut it down.
The whole system froze during the MSFS install? Does it happen again if you try again?
Yes. I have to press and hold the power button; it’s completely frozen. And after restart, the screen is black and I have to perform a couple of restarts and swapping video ports with the monitoring. I’ve uninstalled MSFS and reinstalled and it freezes. Now I’m at the point where the machine is usable, just FS freezes upon installation.
Most likely it's RAM instability. I'm going to ask you to go into your BIOS ( Hold Del on startup ) and on the OC Tweaker tab, change the DRAM frquency from 3600 to 3200. Then save and exit. See if the issues persist. -
I will try that when I get home. 1 hr-ish. Thanks for the advice.
Froze again. Black screen until I plug and unplug and restart to get my monitor back. Happens every time after a reboot.
That sounds more like a display driver crash. Let it crash again, tap shift rapidly, see if you hear a sound. -
no sound
Can you take a screenshot of your BIOS? Main page, OC Tweaker tab and the DRAM Timing Configuration. -
Yes. As soon as I get the monitor back on. Right now the machine is running with a black screen.
It would seem after the crash now you're falling into a cold/warm boot issue. Memory is still likely. If you're having problems getting it to POST again, clear CMOS or go down to 1 RAM stick. -
Went down to one RAM stick. Monitor is back with a red reticle mid screen.
Never mind. I fixed that.
Attempting FS2020 install with 16GB instead of 32. Will advise.
Works. Except now I’m using 16 GB and not the 32GB I paid for. I’ll work that out at the store level. Thanks to everyone who helped.
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