windows automatically restart itself
i have done that whats next
T will let you specify the tests and change the number of passes. If you just want to start testing hit "S". -
how do I know when the test is finished?
It should indicate so when the test is complete in the lower portion. It'll show errors as they occur. If you're not clear on what's going on post a picture of what you're seeing.
Well, you're on Test 13, so you're almost through pass 1 of 4. It'll run for a while longer, but so far, no errors. I'd let it go for a while longer, but it looks like we'll have to look elsewhere for the cause of your crashes. Do you have an NVME drive? -
I am not sure what that is
It's a type of drive. M.2 NVME. The Samsung 970 EVO is a good example of this. We can check in the OS, for now lets let it complete at least two full passes, and if it does so successfully. I'd try to reinstall windows and we'll see where we are. -
Your on test 9 of pass 2. Your RAM and IMC are looking fine. Looks like we'll need to look eslewhere.
so do I exit it out if so how do I do that.
Yes, you can just turn the PC off and back on.
what is after reinstalling windows
Well, we're going to need some crash dumps to review, since your OS wasn't bootable we couldn't grab them before. Reinstall your drivers, and we'll wait on a few crashes to happen. Then we'll pull up those crashes(if they occur) with bluescreenview: -
how do I reinstall my drivers
You can find your motherboard drivers here:
You'll need chipset, audio and ethernet primarily. Also, download your latest video card drivers. -
so sorry but how do I know which audio and chipset I have. How do I download my latest video card drivers?
You're fine. The link I provided is for your motherboard, so the latest audio, chipset and LAN drivers provided by Gigabyte will be there for your motherboard. Just choose the latest one. As for the video card, for Nvidia cards and for Radeon cards. -
Is this what I am supposed to download?
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