PowerSpec I3 Mini - Can't level Bed

Hello Everyone,
       I have had this printer for 2 years and everything has been fine. I have only printed a few times with but never had a problem. Yesterday I went to start a print and now I can't level the bed. I set the Z on it to 003.0 and is set but when I save setings and go back to level bed the nozzle/hotend/extruder pushes down on the bed. I have a video of this and it is driving me nuts I didn't do anything different than before. Can someone please help.



  • PowerSpec_MikeW
    PowerSpec_MikeW PowerSpec Engineer
    Sixth Anniversary 2500 Comments 100 Answers 250 Likes
    Greetings @nexusguy59

    Please provide a link to the video. Is the nozzle hitting at certain points across the bed? Or you're saying you level the bed, everything is fine, but the nozzle still contacts the bed? Is it damaging or making the bed surface, or are you just able to tell this from the prints?
  • nexusguy59
    edited February 2021

    Sorry I didn't get this until now. In answer to your question yes the nozzle is pushing down on each corner when i try to level the bed it has never down that before. Any ideas.


    There is the link on what's it's doing. Thank you for looking.


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