RX 6700 XT Discussion and FAQ

This discussion has a more recent version.
JS_MC admin
1000 Comments 250 Likes Third Anniversary 25 Answers
edited June 2021 in Reviews & Buying Guides

AMD just released its latest addition to the RX 6000 Series, the RX 6700 XT

AMD has made a large effort to improve the software that they offer along with their GPUs which is most noticeable with their Radeon Software Adrenalin 2020 Edition. It provides a host of improvements and options to better your gaming experience.

  • New updates to Radeon Boost to take advantage of variable-rate shading support found on the Radeon RX 6000 series GPUs
  • Expanded support for Radeon Anti-Lag that now includes DirectX® 12 based games
  • Day-0 updates with performance optimizations for brand-new games
  • Robust GPU performance tuning and on-screen metrics, including a new stress-test feature
  • Game recording and streaming to services like Twitch and YouTube
  • The AMD Link app for streaming your games to mobile devices and TVs
  • Game enhancements like Radeon Image Sharpening

Of course, these software improvements benefit all of the RX 6000 series GPUs, but it will be most interesting to see how these improvements affect the performance of this new middle-high tier GPU.

What are you most looking forward to with this new GPU?

We're expecting to have this heavily anticipated item in stock on its release, and we know that you'll have some questions. We've included some of the FAQs we've received with other similar launches below!


Visit and join our Micro Center Community site for more information, conversation and support regarding this and many other exciting products and and topics!


Q. Will you have the RX 6700 XT cards on the release dates?

A. Yes, we will have a variety of top brand RX 6700 XT cards available on the launch date. Supplies are extremely limited and will be sold on a first-come, first-served basis.


Q. Are you doing pre-orders?

A. At this time, we will not be offering pre-orders.


Q. Will I be able to reserve or buy them online?

A. We will not be offering reservations for in-store pick-up or shipping for these video cards due to the high demand.


Q. Will Micro Center open early on the release date?

A. Store opening time will be determined by Time Zone. Pacific Time Zone (Tustin) Will open at 7AM Pacific: Mountain Time Zone (Denver) will open at 8AM Mountain; Central Time Zone will open at 9AM Central; and Eastern Time Zone will open at 9AM Eastern.


Q. Which RX 6000 graphics cards will be available?

A. We will have RX 6000 series graphics cards from our top vendors: Asrock, Asus, Powercolor, Sapphire, and MSI, including gaming and overclocked models. These will vary from store to store. Available models will be listed in the graphics cards category at launch.


Q. How many will you have in stock?

A. We're expecting limited quantities for the RX 6700XT launch on Thursday, March 18th. We are working hard to get more cards in as quickly as possible. We know you are all as excited as we are for this launch and ask that, as lines form outside of our stores, everyone shop safely and practice social distancing.


Q. When will you be receiving more stock after the launch day?

A. We don't have an expected day to receive our next shipment. However, we do typically receive shipments throughout the week. Most often, we receive shipments in the morning before our stores open, and we make them available as soon as we have them.


Q. How much will the 6000 Series video cards cost?

A. Up-to-date pricing for our cards will be posted on the website once they're available.


Q. Can I buy more than one? 

A. We will be limiting purchases at this time to one per household. With limited availability, we want all of our customers to have a chance to be a part of this new product release.


Q. How do I get one of these products?

A. These items are only available in-store and are only available on a first-come, first-served basis. Due to its high demand, this item typically sells out within minutes of hitting our shelves. A voucher will be required to purchase a limited availability item.


Q. Will you be issuing vouchers for this launch?

A. On occasion, Micro Center will issue vouchers for items with limited availability, such as graphic cards, processors, game consoles, etc. Most recently, COVID-19 has caused issues with the production and distribution of these high-demand products for an unknown length of time.

This demand and limited availability have created lines outside Micro Center stores most mornings before they open. We use vouchers to increase fairness and promote a safe, socially distanced shopping experience to our customers while shopping for products with limited product/availability. For more information about how vouchers are issued and what to expect at our store, please see our Limited Availability Product Launch FAQ.

If you have more questions, please don't hesitate to ask by leaving a comment below!



  • Has the storm affected Denver Micro center Stock?

  • Hey @jshield13 just chiming in. If you are wandering if the Denver store is open. yes the store is open.

  • Hello @jshield13

    I haven't heard anything about the storm impacting our Denver location at this time. As of yesterday afternoon when the article was posted, we are expecting to have stock in each of our stores! If that changes, I'm sure we'll update you here and on our website!

    First Comment
    edited March 2021

    Why hasnt microcenter gone to a sign up email/sheet style first-come, first-serve basis for GPUs and other limited stock components?

    A simple sign-up sheet going down the list and gives everyone the same opportunity to sign up and be notified when an item that they have selected comes in stock. Give people like 24hours to pick up the item or it goes to the next person on the list.

    That way, people arent lining up outside of microcenters across the country, HOPING that one of their cards MIGHT be in stock that day. Sometimes for over 12-16hours. Thats crazy.

    Also could keep the scalpers at bay by only allowing one sign up per person per X number of days.

    Better than this vague might have cards that day stuff.

  • lets be honest, what time you guys showing up at the show? im skipping work but trying to catch up on sleep ;)😁

  • Hello @PXHTX I certainly understand your concerns, we do limit purchases to one per person using our voucher system. We require photo ID to verify names, and offer only one voucher in 30 day period. The question can be found on our limited availability FAQ

    Q. Can I get more than one voucher?

    A. Vouchers are only used for limited-quantity items, which are limited to 1 Per Household. You would only be able to receive one voucher per 30-day period with an accompanying driver’s license or state I.D. With limited availability, we want all of our customers to have a chance to be a part of this new product release.

  • 6 people in mayfield heights.
  • Hi any updates on stock for the Micro Center in Houston Texas?
  • 25-30 in line at the Cambridge MA store. 
  • 40+ In line Columbus Ohio 
  • How many people outside Mayfield Heights?

  • @WatterHazard I'd hope there a very few at this time, since the store has been open since 9am, I'd expect the majority of customers who may have been in line to have been assisted at this time!

    Since I'm not in the store, I'm only speculating. It would still be great to have someone from Mayfield check-in :)

  • @LandShark Can people buy those cards if they are still in stock? like regular customers?

  • ok so im pissed off because people are literally putting tents and nobody even has a CHANCE to get the gpu

  • JS_MC
    JS_MC admin
    1000 Comments 250 Likes Third Anniversary 25 Answers
    edited March 2021

    @Azzyung Yes, if there are still cards in stock, you would enter the line for GPUs and be given a voucher to be able to purchase a GPU.

    However, as I mentioned in my previous post, my current understanding is that many customers lined up early this morning and waited for the store to open and the vouchers to be handed out. I believe that we are currently sold out of all the stock that we had received.

    @prongles Sorry to hear that you feel that way, I'm told that we received around 75 cards at each of our stores, so many people were able to get a GPU this morning.

    I've heard from other news sites and reviewers that AMD is supposed to be getting frequent shipments of these new cards out over the coming weeks. With all recent GPU releases, the demand has been extremely high and the supply isn't yet able to keep up. We're continuing to do our best with getting more GPUs in stock and we appreciate your patience and understanding while we do so. 😊

  • If you need an GPU to play games, wait until this bitcoin mining thing to stop, otherwise there is a better solution than camping online and offline everyday, which is

    Get a PS5 or Xbox X from Microcenter...

  • some people didnt sleep and didnt get the gpu

  • You have a chance if you camp out overnight.i camped out 15 hrs to get a 3080
  • I have been on the website refreshing my screen like every 10 seconds since 9 am est and did not see anything become available at all. I do not live near a store to go in person and also homeschool my 2 kids since covid started. Is there any information on what I'm doing wrong or what I should do if I'm trying to get a 6700xt.
  • Hello @terryduryee Welcome to the community!

    The RX 6700 XT is a limited availability item and would only be available for purchase in-store. These items are not available for reservation.

    For more information about limited availability items, please see our recent Limited Availability Product Launch FAQ.

  • I apologize, I am new to a lot of this and just assumed that there would be cards on website as well. Any ideas on when that might happen or is it more in the hands of the manufacturer??
  • See the same crap with 3080's etc. never on the site for stock yet they show up on marketplace every 2 days with the same day stamped on the receipt from Microcenter yet won't hold one for me while I make the 2 hour drive to the store. Anyone who actually want's a GPU for PC gaming is just hosed, 20+ years of PC gaming never seen such dumb BS in my life.

  • Total Bust at the store in Overland Park, same story as everyone else. Campers and scalpers. They are already showing up in Facebook Market place at inflated prices.

  • @terryduryee No apology necessary! Sorry if I came across as rude! Definitely wasn't my intention!

    We did list these cards on the website, however, since one of the major updates happens at 10am and today for this launch we opened at 9. because of this and the other reasons listed in our Limited Availability FAQ the cards were already sold out by that time.

    If you're interested in purchasing a new GPU, you'll have to head to the store as these are not available for purchase online through us. From what I've been told, we don't expect to offer reservations for limited availability items until they are more readily available.

    That time frame will vary from item to item but right now, I don't have a way to give you an ETA for that. Demand for these items is still incredibly higher than the production. We're working as hard as we can with our partners and continuing to do our best to get more GPUs in stock as quickly as we can.

  • @EddyJ We are continuing to limit the purchase of these limited items.

    Q. Can I get more than one voucher?

    A. Vouchers are only used for limited-quantity items, which are limited to 1 Per Household. You would only be able to receive one voucher per 30-day period with an accompanying driver’s license or state I.D. With limited availability, we want all of our customers to have a chance to be a part of this new product release.

    Also, I can verify that as an employee, we aren't able to purchase these cards.

    Q. Are associates able to make purchases of high demand products?

    A. As with many high-demand products at launch, employees are restricted from making purchases so we can get new products into the hands of our loyal customers. Once the restricted period is over, any associates wishing to purchase a high demand product will have to follow the same procedures that our customers follow. We do not allow the sale of these products outside of store hours, nor do we allow any holds for these items. 

    @Ozark81 It's impressive to see and hear about people camping out. It makes me miss the times when friends and I used to pull all-nighters waiting outside the store for the latest game release, just to get an extra poster or some in-game items.

  • @LandShark No worries you guys already pissed me off 2 months ago when the Desktop i purchased online upon driving 2 hours to the store was then mysteriously no where to be found but they sure as hell didn't hesitate to push another one on me. Already wasted 12 hours drive time looking for a card to go in these desktop i bought as it's 4 hours round trip not doing it anymore. I'll just try to become a distributer partner so i can get a single damn GPU since no retailer has any clue how resolve the scalping, and backdoor side deal issues.

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