What time do i need to get to the store to get a 3080? (brooklyn)
Hello @lelouch420 and thanks for posting on the Microcenter Community Forum. Try to visit the store Tuesday through Saturday and arrive 2 hours before the store opens. That way you are in the first group to get into the store for a GPU if they are in stock. If they are not in stock, the store will let you know if a truck is coming that day and if GPUs are on it. At that point you can hang out in the store until it comes or the store may take your number down and call you when it does.
In-store customers usually get first sell on GPUs if they are in stock or if a truck is coming.
Good Luck.
Thank you I appreciate the input.
@lelouch420 You're welcome. Good luck on obtaining a GPU.
The admin is wrong about waiting 2 hours in front of the store you will not get a 3080 that way for sure cuz people line up the night before to get a video card. I'd say you need to line up by 12:00 a.m. to have a shot at getting a 3080. I say this I know because I go on other fourms and the other channels and I read the chats and that's how you have a shot of getting one.I also have personal experience with this myself I lined up at 9:30 p.m. the night before at the Yonkers location I was number nine in line and I did get a 3080.
Just chiming in. @lelouch420 @steelaw maybe speaking from experience. See the post below from another forum user who was able to obtain a 6800 XT on launch day.
We are also sharing the limited availability FAQ with Forum users as well on obtaining GPUs and the voucher process. See below.
steelaw How did you know there were 3080s on that particular day? Did you just get lucky or you somehow knew?
It was just pure luck that I happened to be there that day most of the time that's what it is. I took a schedule day off of work just so I could camp out overnight and I consider myself a very lucky that I did.
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