Moncaso case for Flight Simulation - Micro Center Build

25 Likes Photogenic
edited March 2021 in Your Completed Builds
imageMoncaso case for Flight Simulation - Micro Center Build

February 2021 I found the last new stock Korean Mondeual Moncaso 601 (same as 932) PC case in world on Ebay. Hunted for over a decade since I saw it advertised in 2004. Stack of five units were abandoned in So. California trans-shipping warehouse for 15

Read the full story here


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  • Great build!

    But don't forget, if you'd like to enter the #MicroCenterMadness contest to win one of two Micro Center prize packs, you need to include #MicroCenterMadness in the build title. But you can still enter - just hit the enter button and add #MicroCenterMadness to your build title!

  • ✭✭
    First Anniversary Photogenic First Comment

    Woahhh I didn't realize that was an actual PC case and thought it was an old DVD player or something. Major props to you on making it into the semi-finals!

  • Thanks for the complement. Tonight is first time I have checked back this month on status, am surprised that I am in semi-finals. I am limited on what I can do with cables since there is no backside to this case to get behind the motherboard. Cannot hide and reroute wiring to components. Others seem so much brighter with all the colored fans and dramatic room light effects. When I am flying PC aircraft, less distractions from other lights besides the control panel and runway approach lighting is crucial. It comes down to my experiences creating planetarium shows (very dark room) and lighting special effects for Disney parks rides (have to promote the story line). But that was very long ago, when there were no micro PC machines at all. Smallest ones then were like refrigerator or washing machine size or larger. Starry


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