Help me out with my first build! (~650€, Germany)
Hey everyone, Thanks for helping me out. My old laptop is not doing it anymore, I need a PC.
- Budget: 650€
- Location: Germany
- Use (gaming, rendering, etc): Gaming, working
- Peripherals required (monitor, keyboard/mouse, etc): no
- Operating System required: no
I am not sure what to look out for when buying a PC. Espacially I need assistance with buying a compatible case and motherboard. I will use the pc to play some, partially quite demanding games, with my friends.
Disclaimer: I don't need to be able to play Cyberpunk at max settings, I'm fine with running low settings as long as the experience is fluid so I can enjoy the time with my friends.
My Dad got a new PC and I kept his GTX 750. I could use that and get a new GPU around christmas if that helps with maxing out my build and/or with the current GPU shortage. I would also be willing to buy used parts if it gives me better performance. I want to be able to upgrade later as well.
This will me my first build, so if you have any important tips/guides that will help me NOT mess up while building, tell me please :)
If any of you would take their time to advice me with what parts to buy, what options I have and giving tips, I would be really happy! (Also I know that some parts aren't avalable in Germany that would be in the USA, but I'll just look for similair alternatives)
I like ssd's.
If I use my GTX 570, what could I upgrade from this?:
Hello, the parts you have picked out there with the budget you have look fine to me. Really not much we can recommend to change at that price point. Your motherboard and case that you have picked out are compatible so that's not an issue.
Here is some information on building a gaming PC;
Your selection from is a standard build for the AMD Ryzen Platform.
If, you are reusing a video card that is over 10 years old, for the GTX 570 and the GTX 750 is from 2014. both cards are listed as 1024MB (1GB GDDR 4 /5) cards. Gaming on either of these cards will be a nightmare, and your processor will feed it to much information, creating stuttering and tearing, as a result, and thus leading to crashes. While Nvidia does have modern driver from Windows 7,8, and 10 for these cards. Game play will be a bad experience.
Your case and motherboard selection are fully compatible, and you should have no issue installing the motherboard, as the case is a ATX Mid-Tower and the board selected is a M-ATX form factor. Middle size of the ATX form factors.
E-ATX = largest
ATX = second largest
M-ATX = Micro ATX = Third largest <---- This is your board.
I-ATX or ITX = Smallest of the ATX form factor.
German Translation:
Ihre Auswahl aus ist ein Standard-Build für die AMD Ryzen Platform.
Wenn Sie eine Grafikkarte wiederverwenden, die älter als 10 Jahre ist, ist für die GTX 570 und die GTX 750 aus dem Jahr 2014. Beide Karten sind als 1024MB (1GB GDDR 4 /5) Karten aufgeführt. Gaming auf einer dieser Karten wird ein Alptraum sein, und Ihr Prozessor wird es zu vielen Informationen füttern, was stottern und reißen, als Ergebnis, und damit zu Abstürzen führen. Während Nvidia hat moderne Treiber von Windows 7,8, und 10 für diese Karten. Das Spiel wird eine schlechte Erfahrung sein.
Ihre Fall- und Motherboardauswahl ist vollständig kompatibel, und Sie sollten kein Problem bei der Installation der Hauptplatine haben, da es sich um einen ATX Mid-Tower handelt und das ausgewählte Board ein M-ATX-Formfaktor ist. Mittlere Größe der ATX-Formfaktoren.
E-ATX = größter
ATX = zweitgrößter
M-ATX = Micro ATX = Drittgrößter <---- Dies ist Ihr Board.
I-ATX oder ITX = Kleinster ATX-Formfaktor.
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