DisplayPort does not like W10



  • The system will sleep if I ask from the Start Menu. Its a Ryzen 7 5800X.

    After I shut down everything, the system did go to sleep as expected. The USB headset and printer adapter were still connected.

    One regular web page streams audio. It's a sort of community that does not run 24/7, but it may be streaming silent audio during the inactive hours. Lately, I'm tending to keep that page open. I don't recall when I switched to this always open strategy. Possibly, it coincides with my moving to this W10 system from the W7 system.

    It is interesting that I have not had any further issues with the video since I accidentally did something to get both displays working. I still think that it was an EDID issue and the timing of breaking and making a video connection resulted in the correct parameters being fetched and stored somewhere. I've been through several sleeps without event. I have not yet fully powered down the system.


    My next adventure will be to add another video card so that I can run an additional monitor. It will be a different video card. This is likely to be a grand adventure because it is a borrowed LCD VGA monitor with an HDMI adapter. Maybe I can find an old VGA cable.

  • PowerSpec_MikeW
    PowerSpec_MikeW PowerSpec Engineer
    Sixth Anniversary 2500 Comments 100 Answers 250 Likes


    Certainly possible that it was EDID related. I've seen issues with this clear after the monitor was discharged. Mostly issues with DispayPort, such as it not detecting the EDID values correctly. Like the maximum refresh rate as an example.

    As for the forum, it's opening an audio stream, that will keep the system wake. Good troubleshooting on your part to narrow it down. I would guess on 10 it's opening an audio stream for notifications, and that's what is keeping the system awake.

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