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Sub $1k build and I have the same one sitting on my desk lol! Will push any modern title over 100fps locked while streaming at 1080p!
I build the beast for gaming streaming and editing
I decided to go for a "best bang for buck" build. I wanted to build something for gamers that could keep up with modern titles and will be able to provide a good upgrade path for the future. I wanted to use a modern GPU in hopes that one day it will be available. it's no frills and sadly this build does not double as a neon sign.
This was the best I could do with maxing out performance without considering price, and a little RGB doesnt hurt.
The part list price target is set by what I would say is the best deal, largely due to the current situation of PC part prices.
Let's start off with the GPU since it was the first part I picked. I basically chose what I believed was the best value graphics card, and that is everything to it. Because we have a GTX 1660 Super, the target will be a budget/midrange build at 1080p 144Hz.
The CPU will be the next part. The 10100F has too few cores for background processes and the 11th Gen i5 processors will require a 500-series motherboard (or H470 / Z490 after BIOS update), but since it would maybe be bottlenecked a little bit by the GPU, the 10400F was chosen. Consider changing it to a 10400 if the GPU isn't currently in stock.
The motherboard and PSU are, good enough. The Thermaltake PSU is rated as Tier C on the LTT PSU Tier List (https://linustechtips.com/topic/1116640-psucultists-psu-tier-list/), and the motherboard has all features needed and is good enough quality.
Now, before you yell at me, I know that the RAM is a little bit overpowered since B460 doesn't support XMP. But, you could run it at a lower clock speed with lower latency, and since it was just one or two dollars more expensive, it was hard to say no.
The SSD was basically better value than the original listed 870 Evo, and Intel has good reliability. The case was chosen because the Lancool 205M from Lian Li is a great overall case, and it comes included with 3 fans, which are RGB! That's amazing value right there.
Here is my build: https://www.microcenter.com/site/content/custom-pc-builder.aspx?load=135fa02c-d854-4204-9421-2ec405db3e32
I choose the parts in my custom build as I consider them all to be a good value(including the GPU by today's standards), it is RTX capable, and has a great value CPU and 32GB of ram, which is really what one would need for gaming or creative applications.
I wanted to build a solid, affordable, and good-looking PC, without trying to max out my budget.
I went with a white/black theme and just added in components that fit my needs. At just over $1,000 for the components listed, I would love to own this build. Whether or not it beats your build is for you to decide. 😀
Good luck, everyone!
The build I created is quite similar to one I'm creating myself for streaming and gaming.
CPU: AMD Ryzen 7 3700X
MOBO: B450M Bazooka Max with WIFI microATX- I selected this MOBO because the BIOS update is simple if you follow a few Youtube tutorials. I'm happy about the Wifi capability given that sometimes people's work/gaming stations may not have direct access to a landline so Wifi is a plus. Secondly, I take advantage of the price decrease from a ATX board to a microATX board in hopes of reallocating that money to another aspect of the build.
GPU: Asus-GeForce GTX 1650 Gaming OC- If this is the best we can do, this is the best we can do. Let's all just pray to the GPU Gods and Elon Musk that, with the transition to a less-carbon based crypto, GPU mining becomes obsolete and gamers can have their GPU's back............just wishful thinking
CPU Cooler: Lian Li 240mm RGB Water Cooling Kit Black- Because of the case, I'm sticking with the Lian Li brand. I know that there are better and even more popular AIO coolers out there but Lian Li has been reliable for me in my personal experience. Add a little fresh Thermal Paste in there and you're set.
RAM: G.Skill Ripjaws (2X8GB) DDR4-3200- pretty standard memory is I say so myself. Budget friendly but still effective. RGB can be added in other instances of the build.
Case: Lian Li- Lancool 205 Mesh Tempered Glass ATX Mid- Black- not heavily ecstatic about this case, but I am glad that it has a mesh front to promote as much cool airflow possible. I would like additional case fan options at the bottom of the case, but this is honestly one of the better budget-friendly cases that promotes a lot of airflow, based off of Microcenter's computer case stock.
PSU: PowerSpec- 650 Watt 80 Plus Gold Fully Modular- Saw this in Microcenter's stock. $100 for a FULLY MODULAR GOLD CERTIFIED PSU? I'll take it! Plenty of wattage needed to power the 7 3700 and 1650 (or potentially more if you're looking to upgrade your GPU in the future).
Storage: Inland Pro 1TB SSD M.2 NVMe- runs faster than SATA SSD and Inland Professional is a reliable company. Doesn't match the powerful capabilities with Samsung, but use those extra $30 to invest in something else- DOGECOIN! DOGECOIN!! DOGECOIN!!! TO THE MOON BABY!!!!
OS: Windows 10- default
Winner Winner Chicken Dinner - Boom! 😎👍️
Used your parts and added everything else needed to get ya' going! Nice, little all-rounder!
well, I went Ryzen 5 3600 because it was a great price to performance for my bang for the buck build, and I also went 3060 because wow, it is a beast for that cost! and lastly add $30 dollars to my build because we gonna get an LTT store desk pad ofc.
This is kinda like my, Money doesn't matter build. If all parts were available and Money wasn't an issue this would be my Best current Build. Some of the parts like Trident Z Royals aren't the best you can buy but I'd be willing to give up a little bit of performance for how pretty they are.
To begin with I am from Brazil, and it is very complicated to buy these components here. I selected the pieces according to my taste of brands and pieces, I used my current salary as base, which would be around R $ 15000 converting to USD$ 3000, a little funny that i put some USD$ 2000 more for the bild hahaha. I thought of a setup that could help me in everything I need, fitting in how much I can spend.I only dream that it would be possible for me, now or in the near future to be able to obtain this machine.https://www.microcenter.com/site/content/custom-pc-builder.aspx?load=7a3bb3d0-3380-4b75-8889-471de3cb94ef
I chose these parts because it can get you decent performance when you cant get a graphics card. Since it is so hard to get your hands on one right now, it uses an igpu but is definitely upgradeable for when the gpu market goes back to normal. It doesn't have tons of rgb, but it also isn't crazy expensive. https://www.microcenter.com/site/content/custom-pc-builder.aspx?load=a06733ad-09d8-45b9-ab60-2a0256191bdc
I only modded a couple of items for my dream build! https://www.microcenter.com/site/content/custom-pc-builder.aspx?load=2f2ea750-02e4-4b72-b039-b659fede3ecb
500W Non Modular PSU? Not a chance. GO BEEG OR GO HOME. [BEEG LIST]: https://www.microcenter.com/site/content/custom-pc-builder.aspx?load=b4dcc211-2a24-474b-a9e5-565ee554dadc
I want a powerful CPU to edit photos and videos along with plenty of M.2 storage to access it quickly.
This is an absolute destroyer gaming and/or workstation PC. From LTTs newest Build for TeraBrite. Look at it yourself its an absolute heck of a destroyer.
If I had the money I would build this. I would rather have an RTX 3080 but...
Mine is a Itx rog themed build. I checked the specs to make sure everything fit in the case (so disregard the compatibility errors.) Also the plan is to replace the Noctua fan with a Corsair rgb fan. https://www.microcenter.com/site/content/custom-pc-builder.aspx?load=275c413f-a8a1-45ee-86f7-a315e264be0e
Took a new build and used whatever was available. I saw that there were 6900XTs and 3090's in stock last week and the staff is really awesome about letting people know.
I have made here a “middle of the road” PC with a 5600x and a 3060 and I went with this so it’s a little on the pricier side but will still give some great performance.https://www.microcenter.com/site/content/custom-pc-builder.aspx?load=1c31ffb9-b682-4ecb-a411-cc8a5895dafe
I created a mid-range build that doesn't have the RGB most people like, but it has what I would need for the gaming I do. I also have ethernet, so no need for built in wi-fi.
Here is my build. Very budget minded. With enough of a power supply for a GPU upgrade later on.
All the things I can't afford. But... $500 would get me closer.
I choose the best components I could choose for under $500 so I could maybe build this computer if I win!!!
i just made the build based on what i already know. nothing fancy i think. i think its a basic build with pretty good specs in to play games with clear quality. hope its a build that anyone can make so it doesnt seem too hard to build.
I haven't upgraded my computer in years and I'm still using an RX 580 and a Ryzen 5 2600 and I would love to build but its not cheap and I wish Microcenter was in Las Vegas so I could get a job there in a few years. Cheers everybody stay safe.
I chose mostly the popular parts, but also made sure that they were high quality and black. I would actually build this, and I have built something similar to this in the past. Black Beauty:
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