Best time to shop at Fairfax?
Hello @giantpickle. The best time to stop by would be early in the morning when we open. Please refer to the following>
When I click the link it says I don't have permission to access it.
My apologies @giantpickle. We were having some issues with the community earlier today. All should be visible now. You are welcome to stop in-store and speak with an associate in Fairfax about how to reserve a card for purchase in-store.
Are you talking about custom system? Or can we go in the Microcenter actual reserve a GPU? This is would amazing for people who are working a 40 hours a week job (Monday-Friday). Because employed people do not have time to live outside of Microcenter. A normal person has 8 hours of work and 8 hours of sleep. Plus you have to wait 14+ in line to get a decent position in line. You would give up 2 vacaction days for only a chance of getting a GPU.
@LoudFart which store are you near?
Tustin so I am guess not
@LoudFart unfortunately the Fairfax and Houston stores have implemented the new GPU reservation process as a Testing Phase. If the process is successful, then it should be released to the other stores such as Tustin.
@TSTDavey Where can we have more information about it?
We are currently in the middle of a new rollout and hope this new video card reservation system is in place for all stores as soon as possible. In the meantime, please stop by your local Micro Center or visit Micro Center Community for updates.
We will be putting together an FAQ on the forum here as soon as we can!
I would like a link to that discussion that guys are working on making. It current status of the program and updates on locations that have adopted it.
As soon as we have an FAQ put together, I will be sure to share the link with you here. We are still in our testing phase so only customers that come into the Fairfax and *Houston* locations are able to reserve a GPU at this time.
I wish this were true, but it is no longer the case. I visited the Fairfax location yesterday afternoon with a friend and both of us were informed by no less than 3 different employees that they are no longer taking any names down because they've "reached capacity." We drove an hour and a half each way just to have them turn us down. Several others behind us asked to be placed on the list, and were denied all the same. If what you're saying is true, and this was a one off, then I'll be revisiting the store to see a manager and have a different discussion.
I think they are calculating the based on the number of GPU received normal, they cannot fulfil the current number of orders.
I betting Microcenter employee not carefully checking IDs and having the gut to saying this Ids is fake.
It is super easy just look for the hologram because they cannot afford to fake it.
Is the Fairfax GPU reservation system refreshed on a daily basis? Weekly? Or is it always open and the employees working at MC are misunderstanding the fledgling system?
I would absolutely make the journey to slap my name down on the list as the 3080 GPU is the last item on my list that I need in order to finally be able to build my new rig (managed to pull a 5900X from you guys a few weeks ago to clear that headache from the list). MC is the only close salvation available as all the other waitlists from suppliers that I'm on haven't touched base in quite some time and the one that did said they expect one for me in August after 6 months of telling me "next week" or "two weeks".
Hello @Sharkyzero
Thank you for posting on the Micro Center Community. Our wait list system is something we are testing out and has reached it's capacity at the locations it is being tested out. We are cycling names out as we get stock of GPUs however getting your name on this wait list is a first come first serve assuming it has not reached it's capacity.
Hrm. Ok, so why is there a capacity at all? I would happily slap my name down and wait weeks upon weeks for an arrival. What harm would that modification do to the process in your estimation? The lottery aspect of this is troublesome not in manner that I might not win, that fact is well known and understood by me, but by the fact that it doesn't need to be a lottery at all. No lines waiting outside, no random drops by MC "just in case something's there", just pure list progression based on when you signed up. If MC is concerned with 'out-of-towners' coming in and sniping GPUs, you could even restrict purchasers from without a determined mileage radius if that helps the idea go down smoother. I appreciate that you guys even attempted this novel solution at all so I hope that my message comes across as constructive as I'm intending.
Hello @Sharkyzero
In regards to the capacity, this is something we are testing for now and changes can definitely be implemented. I however am not in charge of this and would be something those with a higher paygrade would make a decision on based off these trial runs. Also it's not a lottery, we go down the list from first name and onward. When I meant by cycling names, we are crossing names off the top of the list and adding names as we get stock and people come in to sign up for the wait list.
I did not do a superb job of formulating my point. What I meant by 'lottery' was that if I drive down to Micro Center right now or on a weekday during business hours - whichever makes the hypothetical more accurate - and I wanted to be placed on the wait list, it's a dice roll as to whether or not I'd be able to do so. I figure it'd be a nuisance to the MC staff having a never-ending queue for GPUs but it would darn sure make it easier for me to make my way to you and firmly install myself on the list.
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