RTX 5090 & 5080 Launch FAQs



  • Is there any way to get at least a day's notice as to when you're expecting a restock? I love the idea of a raffle (I'm on Newegg shuffle daily) and that you only allow 1 per customer but it's tough to physically check-in at the store randomly throughout the week since I work and live an hour away from the Richardson TX location.

    If I can just get one card you'll never hear from me again, promise! 😋

  • Yeah I have a serious problem with your raffle here. You cater to people that live near the store. It does nothing for those of us that live farther than 10 minutes out. This needs to be "enter online and you have 24 hours to make it in" at the VERY least. I'm totally screwed because I live an hour out unless I take the day off just to TRY and get a card. Have you considered that people have lives? This raffle is extremely unfair and caters to those that live near a MC.

  • Hey @Astraeos. I can totally understand your frustration here. Not being able to get a new card is no fun. In an effort to make more GPUs available to customers even employees like myself aren't able to purchase cards. I'm glad that this gives more opportunity for customers like yourself and others out there who need a new GPU, but it is difficult at times. The limited availability makes it frustrating for many of us who want a new GPU.

    @RedMesaOne @clarxckl8822 I apologize, but right now I am not aware of a way to get more early notice other than the morning raffle. I do appreciate the suggestion for the alternative method, I've had similar ideas shared in the thread above and I've shared them with our corporate leadership and I'd be happy to send this over to them again. I know the feedback is heard, as this system was put in place to replace the previous methods for your chance at a GPU. Very thankful that we don't have to treat every day like a launch day and camp out all night.

  • TheeMrPotato
    edited November 2021
    This system sucks, I live about 2-3 hours away from a micro center, which was fine at first. This is because I could choose a day they could get stock, go the night before and camp out and hopefully be first in line and if I’m not up there in line, I just left and didn’t waste my time. Now if I’m the first to show up and camp out like 2 days just for a CHANCE at a card?  I’d rather just try to beat all the bots on Best Buy 
  • @LandShark

    Completely tone deaf. I appreciate this isn't your call, but your corporate overlords are completely clueless. This kinda crap is why box stores are dying.

    You use a virtual line, yet you force people to be at the store to scan the QR in order to enter said virtual line. Why not post the QR code online? Then, people could scan it from home, and if they are then selected, you give them a 2-4 hour window to get to the store, then their ticket is forfeit. What's so hard about that?

    You either adapt with the times, or you die out. I'm pretty much erasing Microcenter from my options to buy a GPU because of this completely backwards process that is going on here.

  • I see the store hours have been extended to open at 9am instead of 10am. How will that affect the Random Selection Process?

  • This is stupid. If selected, hold the unit for one day. A multimillion dollar corporation is not going to go bankrupt by holding a handful of gpus off-shelf for 24 hours. Whoever designed this process needs the other half of their brain to finish the workflow.
  • RM5
    First Comment
    edited November 2021

    Would be nice if someone could get on a virtual wait list when they don't live near a MC location where a small percentage of high demand GPU products could be allocated for this virtual wait list at a MC location versus having to drive for hours and still not sure if you can get what you are trying to purchase. I don't mind waiting several days or months just as long as I know my position on that virtual list will eventually reach the top for purchasing the product desired in the future.

    You can still limit individuals to one per household and one purchase per every 30 days to mitigate against those who try to abuse/cheat the system by repeatedly putting their name on a virtual list or better yet only allow their name on the virtual list one time until they have been able to purchase one of these high demand GPU products and then they are able to add their name again to a virtual list 30 days after the previous purchase was made from the virtual list. This way remote customers could easily be on the virtual list and know they will eventually get the product they are trying to purchase that can be reserved for a small number of days providing enough time for pickup that usually involves driving several hours to do so. If after a small number of days for the reservation passes then the next person on the virtual list wanting that high demand gpu product can be notified for reservation period, purchase and pickup. This can repeat as needed until someone on the virtual list is able to show up during the reservation period to purchase and pickup the high demand GPU product they have been trying to obtain.

    This isn't rocket science and just like anything else in life most folks are willing to wait in line for something they know is going to happen when their time comes up to do so versus the randomness currently being used and unfriendly nature for any and all remote customers or would be customers.

  • From my understanding, this would push the random selection process back. effectively the process would still be happening, just before the store opens.

    I've reached out to our corporate office to get confirmation that all stores are participating this way. I know some stores had this process in the middle of the day. I believe these stores would not alter their process. I'll be sure to update you once I've got a certain answer.

  • tony123467890
    edited November 2021
    The time in sms said 10 am and I left and got sms at 9 am and gave me 5 min only to get voucher from door instead of 10 min. 

    Will I wait now 30 days to get new voucher sms?

    My boss might fire me because I will be late for work if I wait at microcenter till 9. Why not you guys just do it early morning like 7AM or 7PM, so we can go to work or after work.

    There are people selling cards in parking.

    I contacted microcenter by text listed on the contact page and I received following scam sms after few minutes, other than official response:

    Wellsfargo Alerts: We've put temporary hold on your ATM card due to irregular activity. Please visit (link removed) to unlock immediately.

    Link takes to a fake Wells Fargo login page, I reported it to Wells Fargo.

    Is microcenter IT system compromised ?
  • I followed your SMS link to the Wells Fargo Application center for your MicroCenter Insider Credit Card.

    Let me know when you pick a Financial institution that is BETTER than Wells Fargo.

    I might consider applying for your credit card then.

    Wells Fargo is a HORRIBLE choice...

  • Scythe
    Name Dropper First Comment
    edited November 2021

    Update on my case: 2 weeks have passed since Mircro center contacted me via this forum, and via email when I complained because of how rude their managers were at the Dallas Store after I asked if there was anything they could do for me, since I was returning a faulty rtx3080. In store the "manager" lied to me saying that they could only put me in a priority list if I purchased the warranty with them; then via email they said they couldn't agree nor denied the manager's response, but they were going to put me in a priority list for me to be notified since they gave me a faulty card. I'm still waiting for a response, i've sent several emails to the "new" manager that contacted me via email and he hasn't respond. Worst company to buy from, customer support is terrible, they only lied to you in public to be perceived as the good guys.

    FYI: I camped the store for 2 months going at least 3 days a week to get that faulty card. Not worth it.

  • still waiting on your managers response after providing all the required information.....

  • lol, ya I was looking for a video card and an i9 processor and it's like days' turn into months :D haha if you don't live super near there is no hope and I live 20 min away and still it's worthless unless you are up at 8am and there every day :D

  • Ian
    Ian ✭✭✭✭✭
    Eighth Anniversary 5000 Comments 250 Answers 500 Likes
    edited November 2021

    Greetings. Which Micro Center store are you inquiring about? Some stores have changed their raffle times due to the stores being open earlier for holiday hours, any stores that have made a change have had their information updated in the first post. This system is not intended for you to leave the store and return at another time, you would want to remain at the store while they draw the raffle.

  • Ian
    Ian ✭✭✭✭✭
    Eighth Anniversary 5000 Comments 250 Answers 500 Likes
    edited November 2021

    I see a manager reached out to you 2 hours after I submitted your request and stated they left you a message. You did not get this message?

  • Good stuff.

    Can confirm that I was told at the Tustin store, returning a card causes the 30 day limit to not count. I had a defective MSI RTX 3080 from less than a month ago that I returned a week before Tustin's grand reopening, at which I got into the late morning raffle (11:00am cutoff) and bought a 3060 Ti.

  • That's amazing, I hate scalpers thanks for making sure they go away 
  • I disagree with this being fair. There are so many problems that have been pointed out by this virtual line.

    A good percentage of people who actually work and can afford to spend the money on these graphics cards can't miss work dozens of times to simply have a chance at getting a random graphics card. This system gives an advantage to individuals that don't have first shift working hours or are privileged enough not to need to work. It requires significant effort for travel and a mobile device with Internet access.

    This system promotes scalping and takes cards from people who want them by not notifying what cards are available; Someone waiting in line that gets chosen is likely to purchase a card even if they don't want it in order to scalp it and buy the one they do want. This takes it off the shelf for others that do want that specific card.

    This is indistinguishable from an illegal lottery to me in at least Illinois. It contains a prize(the voucher to make a purchase), consideration(significant effort and monetary costs to sign up), and chance(random selection).

    I understand there is a shortage, we all know this at this point in time. I appreciate that something is trying to be done and I know there is no way to make this fair to everyone, but I am disappointed in you MicroCenter. This virtual line is being implemented poorly.😕

  • Xalen
    First Comment
    edited November 2021

    I'm gonna say it like it is, this system is shit. Every single time I come here to try my luck at getting a 3070, I am either picked last and they're all gone, or I am one of the first picked and they didn't get any 3070s at all. I am fed up with wasting my time, money, and gas to drive out here only to walk away with nothing. Buying any GPU online is impossible for obvious reasons, so buying it in person is the only sliver of hope I have. However, this random selection system has been nothing but frustrating, and I am losing all hope. I am done giving this store any more chances. However, I will probably try again Friday since it's Black Friday and it would make sense that there would be a shipment that day. As many others have mentioned, this system only caters to those who do not have a job and do not start school early. I can only try my luck on Tuesdays since I don't have my first class until the afternoon. Since I am on Thanksgiving break, I was able to try today, but to no one's surprise I was picked last and all the 3070s were gone. Best Buy's system isn't any better and we all know that. I might have to actually resort to using a bot to buy a 3070, and in this current environment it's survival of the fittest. This store will only redeem itself if I can get a 3070 after I am done for the semester. I understand there is a very limited supply of GPUS, but the selection process is part of the problem that makes it harder to get one. The bigger problem is the global silicon shortage which someone needs to solve because we can't have a shortage forever. The only saving grace for this store is if I can get a 3070 after I am done for the semester. If I can't do that then I am officially giving up and will just have to resort to what a lot of people had to do: using a bot to buy one.

  • How I get added part of the raffle

  • This is for the Tustin, California Store.

    When will be the next raffle?

    I see you guys strictly do not post phone numbers anywhere and so couldn't call.

    I don't mind driving 2 hours to be in the raffle but how do I know when will you receive the next stock? or do I have to drive to the store to get this info too?

  • Ian
    Ian ✭✭✭✭✭
    Eighth Anniversary 5000 Comments 250 Answers 500 Likes

    You would need to visit the store at the raffle time detailed in the first post.

  • Ian
    Ian ✭✭✭✭✭
    Eighth Anniversary 5000 Comments 250 Answers 500 Likes

    Greetings, as our Community staff is not located at a specific store, the information we have on shipments is listed in the FAQ:

     Shipments will vary by the store for these high-demand products as delivery dates and times are subject to change due to the nature of trucking schedules, the weather, etc. We recommend coming to the store and speaking with associates in our Build Your Own department. They may be able to provide an idea of when they receive shipments.

    To add on to this FAQ answer, I have seen some store locations post a sheet out front when they do not have cards at or before their specified raffle time. If there are no cards, there is not a raffle / QR code posted. Also, if cards are still available after the raffle, they may be purchased by customers in-store during regular business hours.

  • Just want to echo the sentiments of others here, but also maybe provide some feedback.

    Ultimately, I think the core issue here is the "Virtual Line" aspect of the raffle system. It's understandable that there is a random system like this in place, as you want to cut down on as much of the possibility of these bots getting these cards as possible. However, it's implementation is intrinsically not fair to those, as others have mentioned, that live far away or have work/school a majority of the week and cannot randomly take days off as necessary whenever stock comes in.

    A simple solution would be to allow users to join the "Virtual Line" online rather than have to do so in-person. Then, once they are selected, they have a set period of time to get to their nearest location and purchase a card. Ideally, there should also be some method for the person selected to view what items are available on said day, and should they not want anything on that day then they can forfeit their ticket to the next random person. This will make it so no one is making any unnecessary trips the day of.

    You could argue that this will open up the gates for bots to take a majority of the positions in line, but it isn't exactly a strong argument.

    The biggest detractor is the simple fact that there is a 30-day wait period and a 1 per-household limit. Most bots operate on the idea of getting as many cards as possible as quickly as possible in order to turn a profit, so they are already less likely to turn to this raffle as an efficient means of doing that. Especially when you consider that they have to come to the location in-person.

    Not to mention, there are also several other methods that can be implemented to prevent this from being abused in the first place. Such as, forcing the need to have an account with micro center, forcing the need to have the account verified (either by phone or email), implementing a captcha system prior to having the QR Code revealed, then after selection having a two-factor authentication process implemented for use by those selected, and lastly, further verification once arriving in-person through standard IDs. I'm sure there are other methods as well, but you get the idea.

    There would be more hurdles for the average user to jump through, sure, but I'm also positive they would gladly take that over the current system. These are just my thoughts though, so take them with a grain of salt.

  • It seems most of the complaints here are around needing to show at the door in 10 minutes which means sitting in the parking lot to see if there is even stock. Which, living an hour away I can agree with. A simple solution would just to be that a card is held till business EOD if someone wins. I don’t think Microcenter needs to worry that any cards not picked up will go unsold the next morning.
  • vknyvz
    First Comment
    edited December 2021

    Like others have mentioned, this system is built for people who live around an MC. Closest MC to me is 40 miles away.

    but let me offer a solution...

    Possible reasons why raffle information is not posted anywhere in advance;

    • because you don't want people camping outside your store and possibly get angry each other,
    • because more people would join, which would reduce chances of getting one,
    • because you just want people in your store, hoping they get something else even if they don't get a card.

    If the goal here is the latter then there's no argument to be made here, but if not, then;

    • do it like New Egg, randomly open an online raffle with a limited time to join. Then, if selected, we'd just come and pick it up, or ship; unless you really do want people in a store.

    Not sure if micro center has the infrastructure to build an online raffle, so this system may never change and people that are far from a store are just, simply, out of luck!

  • This is overwhelmingly unfair to those that work during the week. Not everyone has time to come to the store at whatever time specified, and wait in line for a limited item. This is not any fairer than how it was before. I would like to see weekend days and times available for those that work during when the usual raffle takes place.

  • Mado
    Mado ✭✭
    Third Anniversary First Comment
    edited December 2021

    Leaving at lunch to hopefully get lucky at the hour away microcenter. Hoping they would at least let me scan the QR code for future dates...but I doubt anyone will be helpful because every employee in the retail world has a sense of entitlement where they don't think they need to help the person that helps pay them.

    One day I will get a GPU..

  • Sharpedge
    First Comment
    edited December 2021

    Is this Virtual Line stuff just for the 30 series cards? Because I don't want an Nvidia card. The card I want is in stock almost daily. So can I just go in when yall open? Or is the Virtual Line mandatory? I'm looking at getting an AMD 6700XT.

    EDIT: Found out the line is just for 30 series cards.

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