RTX 5090 & 5080 Launch FAQs
Did you read the image in the first post? It's detailed there my man
When they post the codes, it's only for the current day if cards are in stock. They don't let you enter days in advance.
Very disappointing event today at the Tustin site. Many people were lined up at 7-9am anticipating that the website is correct that there were 30x0 video cards available. Once the doors opened and people lined up at the DIY service line, we were all informed that there are no 3-series nvidia cards available. Many people drove from all over SoCal to line up either to scan QR code (which wasn’t offered) or do first come first serve.To the management and corporate: Shame on you.
Is there a way to find the right days for Denver?
@Chipster Sorry to hear that you weren't able to get a card that day.
The random selection process detailed in the OP is only offered on days when we receive shipments of graphics cards. I will send your feedback to our store management and to our web team to see why there was an error with the inventory listed available. Due to the limited quantity of cards being received at the moment, most if not all NVIDIA GPUs are only listed as Limited Availability on our site at the moment.
Again, apologies for the experience you had here.
@nexus99 We don't have exact dates for when we will receive shipments of GPUs for any of our stores, however, it's possible that other community members may have an idea of what days are more typical for your store. This would still only be a guestimate, as shipments vary quite a bit depending on the manufacturer's ability to provide/produce cards. I'd also recommend checking in with an associate at your local MC to see if they could provide any additional insight.
Best of luck!
I think its pointless for this queue. You should allow it to happen virtually online first and then the person has to show up between "X and "X" times to get the card. We all have day jobs man we can't be leaving work to drive an hour plus (for most of us) to one of your locations, to stand in line for hours only to MAYBE get a card. Having us drive to a store in hopes you have inventory is dumb, having us scan a QR once we are already there is also dumb. Use technology in your favors man, its super easy.
Have the slots open online for each store
QR gets scanned and people need to sign in online to get the spot. Then they have a time period to show up and get the card, (say 10am to noon as an example) and if they do not show up within that time frame too bad so sad, they are knocked off the queue and someone else gets the card.
THAT"S fair...you are letting them get a spot online but telling them they have a 2hr window to come get it. That's more than fair.
Hi @Tkat5200
Your initial suggestion is almost exactly the process, however, the timeframe is a bit different. At the moment, once you've scanned the QR code once, you're able to access the line again at a later time. This may change, should the store feel that it is necessary for the QR code to be remade for any reason, but I haven't seen them change in some time. First-time entry does require you to visit the store to scan the QR code. From there, you can enter the queue virtually as you mentioned and plan to arrive at the store during the selection time.
The suggestion for more time to claim a card is something that I know is being reviewed and considered at the moment.
Thanks for your suggestions!
This entire random selection stuff is an okay idea but is completely flawed better than Best Buy but flawed. I'm from CENTRAL MASS. So the only store with in A REASONABLE DISTANCE is Cambridge MA, which is essentially Boston which mean traffic is a Cluster the fast route is normally clogged up with traffic. So if I leave at a normal time its going to be 1 hour to a 2 hour drive to get there. just for there to be no graphic cards which means I spent 3-4ish hours driving to Boston and back home for NOTHING.
Where am I going with this? People who live local and don't have to Lewis and Clark their way to Micro center in Cambridge are scalping GPUs. How am I almost certain most of all Craigslist and probably most of Facebook postings of RTX30s cards which are being sold 2x-3x MSRP are from Cambridge/Brookline/Boston area which are mostly likely bought from Microcenter and only best buy which stocks them all all? I know there are probably some scam postings and there at least one that has a BestBuy sticker on it and I have absolutely no way to prove it but just go on Boston Craigslist and search RTX and majority of them are from Bos/Cam/Brookline.
But the Point is for us who live far away, have jobs etc. Aren't able to stop by our only Microcenter every day of every week yet those who live close can easily just come in and consistently enter the Random selection. And for example lets just say someone uses there mothers, fathers, brothers ID etc can just get multiple chances to Scalp them. And since the majority of us don't even know there were RTX GPUs even in stock, Further allows these people to scalp.
From what I understand only 2 best buys receive 30s cards and they both are on the opposite ends of MA. I can only go to my local best buy and they never seem to have anything and probably never will. There is probably more RTX cards for sale on eBay, Facebook, Craigslist, letgo and the scum of them all "miners". Than in actual Gaming PCs or in stores. There has to be a better way. of doing this. its ridiculous, Many of us would like to give you OUR MONEY so we can actually play modern video games. But it seem like companies don't care. Why would I buy anymore products from Microcenter or BestBuy when they allow this stuff to happen and continue happening. its Frustrating, feels like I won't be able to afford or find a Graphics card anywhere for MSRP anytime in the next year.
is this all speculation ? Frustration? A Rant? Possibly. But what does it matter. anyways. You guys probably will delete this.
So if the store opens at 11 am do you still have to be there by nine
I would like to know too what time to be at the store when it opens at 11 to get in the line.
Hello @DJBruh @gabornski
I haven't heard anything directly or got a concrete policy adjustment from the stores regarding the holiday hours and the raffle. However, previously, the majority of stores moved their time to an hour before the store opened. There are some stores that have unique times which were not altered.
I hope this helps!
Are the raffle hours the same for 2022 for Westbury NY?
At this time, we have not been made aware of any changes since our last update.
The original post was updated this morning and no change was made to the Westbury location that I am aware of.
They should be offering the raffle at the appointed time when they receive cards!
Really dumb process. You have to have a job to afford one of these cards, and this process doesn't work for people who have jobs. Wish they could have a way to enter the queue virtually so that we only need to visit the store once to make the purchase (i.e. after work). Aside from college kids, who can go to the store at 9am to scan a QR code?
what are the shipment or recommended days for Westmont IL?
Greetings, as our Community staff is not located at a specific store, the information we have on shipments is listed in the FAQ:
Shipments will vary by the store for these high-demand products as delivery dates and times are subject to change due to the nature of trucking schedules, the weather, etc. We recommend coming to the store and speaking with associates in our Build Your Own department. They may be able to provide an idea of when they receive shipments.
To add on to this FAQ answer, I have seen some store locations post a sheet out front when they do not have cards at or before their specified raffle time. If there are no cards, there is not a raffle / QR code posted. Also, if cards are still available after the raffle, they may be purchased by customers in-store during regular business hours.
I feel like a better system would be to allow people to queue up for 1-2 specific SKUs and just be notified when they come in. Give them until the end of the business day to claim it and if not move on to the next person. If you want to limit it to people within X miles of the store that's cool too, I'm within 20-30 minutes of one but I can't afford to take time off to drive 30m to the store, wait, and possibly not be selected or only be able to buy a card I can't afford, then drive 30m back - I could only do that ONCE if it was guaranteed.
Or at least publish the QR code online and give us an hour to get there - I could go in late/ take an extended lunch if I knew I was going there to get one.
Like I'm ready to buy an entire build and I'll do it here but I'm not buying anything else until I can get my hands on a GPU first and I can't be late for work every day because I might be able to get something.
As listed in the first post, directly at the store.
Once the virtual line is opened, you scan the QR Code supplied on a handout at your local store. Scanning the QR code will take you to a form with instructions on how to get added to the line.
@DanielM2596 , - @GoatForHire has the answer for you.
Random Selection Process and FAQ
This is a crap shoot. If you don't live near a store your not a customer they care about. I have driven 2 hours on quite a few weekends and weekdays over several years to purchase items from Micro Center in Houston. But a 10 min show up and you might get a card is stupid. How ever thought this was a way to manage product is not at all Smart Customer Service. Are they competing against AOL, BestBuy and Circuit city for worst customer service award. Don't know why they can't have it available for online purchase and pick later. Either that or make it first come first serve.
Has anyone made it anywhere in Houston Tx traffic in 10 minutes?
If you have a replacement plan on a CPU or GPU is there any way to schedule a replacement to be picked up from your local Microcenter?
Well, yes, of course, depends how far you want to go.
You do realize you aren't supposed to leave the store during the draw right? They give you 10 minutes to go from your car in the parking lot etc., to the door so the process doesn't take all day waiting on customers.
They don't do appointments, you'd want to visit the store.
I've driven to Micro Center almost 20 times since buying my 2080 Ti to get a 3080 Ti... and I've failed every single time to get one. This whole process is useless and irritating. Rewarding people who don't have day jobs or family because they can camp outside your store all morning... Guess I'll stick with the 2080 Ti.
So maybe someone can help me. How exactly does the Peterson nj location work to get a card. Not understand the 5 min to get a voucher.
Greetings, the process is detailed in the very first post. The form you see listed in the first post is how it works at each store. https://community.microcenter.com/discussion/8756/random-selection-process-and-faq/p1
NJ, Patterson - Time to retrieve voucher is 5 minutes, no change to waitlist entry time.That is what is says and I’m confused as to the process. That is not a QR code queue. When I went to the store today there was a QR code.
This means if you receive a text that you are selected, you have 5 minutes and not 10 minutes as listed in the "Rules and Restrictions" section to go to the front of the store to claim your voucher for being selected for the raffle.
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