Newly Built PC Won't Post

Hi guys, I built a new gaming pc recently for the first time and for about a week it worked fine for gaming and schoolwork but all of a sudden it won't post?? The pc will turn on but it won't post for some reason. I've tried taking out the gpu and putting it back in, I've tried testing the ram sticks by putting them into each slot one by one, I've tried power cycling the pc, I've tried a different monitor and different HDMI cable, I've checked that the HMDI cable was plugged into my GPU and making sure it was the only video cable, I've tried taking out the little battery on the motherboard and putting it back in, I'm just really at a lost at this point because all the advice I've searched up on google and the microcenter tech forum I've tried from what I can tell but it still won't post??
- NZXT H710i Case
- AMD Ryzen 5 3600x
- EVGA 650 BQ Semi-modular Power Supply
- MSI RTX 2060 
- G-Skill Ripjaws V DDR4 3200 2x16 32gb RAM
- Samsung 970 Evo 500 GB

If anyone has any advice please let me know I'm trying to avoid having to spend money on getting the PC diagnosed if I can fix it myself because I already spent a huge ton of money making the PC and I'd prefer not to have to spend more. Thanks guys! :)


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