CPU/GPU bottlenecking when playing games
I have a Ryzen 3700X paired with an X570 gaming edge motherboard and a MSI 4070TI Suprim. Out of nowhere a few days ago most games have been unplayable due to insane lag. My main game I play is Call of Duty BO6. Up until a few days ago I consistently have ran 144 fps and have never experienced a single FPS drop. Now My FPS will go from ~140 down to single digits and then fluxuate from the teens to 100. My CPU is running at nearly 100% and GPU seems to only hover around 50% usage. I've set everything to maximum perfomance settings to try and force it to pull from my GPU. I didn't download anything different. I tried lowering the VRAM in the game and all of my visual settings are set to about as low as they can. I ran MSI afterburner to watch it while I was playing to confirm the numbers. All drivers are up to date and I even tried rolling back and downloading an old driver only to have the same issue. I tried multiple games and am experiencing the same thing across multiple games. I can't help but think its something RAM related, but I was wondering if there was anything else I could try to fix this issue.
Well for anyone in the future I got it solved. I downloaded 2 different driver removal programs and completely removed all drivers associated with my card. Had to go into safe mode though. Re downloaded the newest driver update along with updated my bios for my motherboard. I did upgrade to 32gb of ram since I was running around 15-15.5 with the game running. Haven't had any issues since.
Hi! So sorry to hear about the issues you were having. Glad to hear that you were able to get this resolved though :) Posting the resolution will be helpful for people in the future so that is very much appreciated as well!
Here is a guide for how to run a clean install of your video card drivers if needed:
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