Join the MicroCenterOfficial Folding@Home Team: #257944
I've suffered the same fate as YBC, 1st floor HVAC failure.
Maybe we should start carrying AC units.
no HVAC failures here, but I did have to lower the power limit on my graphics cards for a couple of days when the temps here were in the upper 80s
Maybe some type of a discount for repairs with some repair companies for folders to be able to keep things turning might help.
Just a thought. -
We have made it to the 8 billion point mark for the team keep up the great work!!
kmiller922 said:Maybe some type of a discount for repairs with some repair companies for folders to be able to keep things turning might help.
Just a thought.
Actually had a bit of dropping off in folding at our store. Got to think of a new way to motivate people. -
MightyMayfield said:Actually had a bit of dropping off in folding at our store. Got to think of a new way to motivate people.It isn't just MC. We are down on CPU's and GPU's showing only 2.04 exaflops, down from 2.41.Nora O'Donnell of CBS put her phone number for texting on the air and wants to hear from people.How about we all Text 202-217-1107 today and remind her about FAH and how MC is contributing to it.If 1000 people send her messages today maybe it would break through her filtering software since they arealways running positive stories at the end of the nightly CBS news broadcast.Then we email CNN and BBC and other major news outlets around the world the broadcast link and ask themwhy they aren't covering this.Grass roots social activism using the media as a springboard.The important thing is the message you send.1. Tell YOUR story2. Mention your TEAM3. Tell them WHY fah is important from your perspective4. Keep it reasonably shortHere is mine:Hello Ms. O'DonnellMy name is [your name here] and I have been part of a project to fight Covid-19. I became involved with itafter seeing a sign in a Micro Center store, where I buy computer parts. It's called Folding@Home.Run by the University of Washington they are researching the ways Covid-19 works and if there isa way to break it. They do this by using tens of thousands of computers across the planet to makea "Distributed Computing Network" making it more powerful than the top 120 supercomputers onearth. The best part is everyone can contribute. I am part of the 'Micro Center Official' team. There arehundreds of other teams to join.More information can be found at https://foldingathome.orgWorking together we are helping to defeat Covid-19 by loading a simple piece of software andletting it do the work. Thought you would want to know.[Your name here]I'm just a geek with computers. Think you could do this?Kirito
@MightyMayfield we deffenitly need some type of a pr boost publication to general public somehow not sure how though.
Scan up one post
yeah mine updated right after the post lol
@kirito it sounds like you have a bit of experience in the field maybe you should take the lead on the pr side.
Should we all send the message at a certain time? -
Linus Tech Tips (YouTube) has assembled a massive team. 153k CPU active. I'd be down 9 pages on their team, 16 pages on folding@EVGA. Overclockers has an incredible folding web presence and Fold-a-thon events. PPDs, ranking, teams add an element of gaming to an otherwise endeavor as exciting as watching grass (weeds, my lawn) grow. There is one glaring fail here, it's MC not recognizing it as a large (huge?) market akin to gaming that could also be a PR win, if their marketing people didn't have their heads focused elsewhere. I've purchased 2ea RTX2060, 2ea GTX1660 & built a new AMD Ryzen 5 system this year, zero $ on gaming. There's so much that could be done. Type 'folding' into a youTube search & watch what comes up. My MC store has a zero folding presence, of course, I haven't walked through the store recently. All that said, it's good to be on a smaller team & NOT be on pg-Down 22x
Yep, same here... before F@H, the only "worthy" graphics card I had was 1 GTX 1060. This spring I've bought 2 GTX 1660 and a GTX 1650, all from MicroCenter of course
If everyone sent the message above I described at various times between Sunday noon and Tuesday noon, not just cut and paste but really tell your own story, it has the potential to get beyond whatever filtering algorithm these news outlets may use. Start with the CBS text number for Norah O'Donnell 202-217-1107.Then send the same message to the following news outlets in sequence:CNN: or community@cnn.comBBC:,,, Jason.Abbruzzese@nbcuni.comCBS: evening@cbsnews.comJapan Times: Shimbun: kouhou@asahi.comLA Times: tips@latimes.comNY Times: nytnews@nytimes.comChicago Tribune: gm@chicagotribune.comKHOU-11 Houston: (UK) or national@theguardian.comThe Australian: or Herald: khnews@heraldcorp.comThe Local Intl.: (Spain)The rest is up to everyone else. If everyone contributes it could contribute greatly.The question now is how many read this forum? How do we expand this beyond the forum here?Kirito
@MightyMayfield a big congratz on top 500!!
kmiller922 said:@MightyMayfield a big congratz on top 500!!
Congratulations on the top 500 placement. 497 to go!Kirito
Kirito said:Congratulations on the top 500 placement. 497 to go!Kirito
Hey folks, can someone help me get the word out. We are now below 2.00 exabytes in total folding power. Can someone send messages like I suggested in the May 31st post?Thank youKirito
Kirito said:Hey folks, can someone help me get the word out. We are now below 2.00 exabytes in total folding power. Can someone send messages like I suggested in the May 31st post?Thank youKirito
Also, the data needs to be analyzed and digested by researchers. Is this the real bottleneck?
Remember, F@H got to these levels 'over-night', going from 30,000 in Feb to 400,000 in March. I'm part of the 300,000 that followed.
My concern is throwing more GPUs into the fray might not hasten anything, when trained researchers aren't available to analyze & work with the data.
The biggest complaint I've seen is slots waiting for WUs. If they can't keep the currently available systems fed, let's give them time to catch up and make good use of people's efforts.
cine_chris said:I don't think these numbers are a cause for alarm, they're still HUGE.
Also, the data needs to be analyzed and digested by researchers. Is this the real bottleneck?
Remember, F@H got to these levels 'over-night', going from 30,000 in Feb to 400,000 in March. I'm part of the 300,000 that followed.
My concern is throwing more GPUs into the fray might not hasten anything, when trained researchers aren't available to analyze & work with the data.
The biggest complaint I've seen is slots waiting for WUs. If they can't keep the currently available systems fed, let's give them time to catch up and make good use of people's efforts. presumed they had separate computers taking work units received and crunching them against other solutions, secondary and tertiary WU's. I would also like to think they were tasking out some of this work to other places. That may just be wishful thinking on my part but I would like to think they have a Big Data manager coordinating all this stuff. Maybe not.My father had been in the SETI project, but wasn't really an avid computer user. Just wanted to prove I was an alien I suspect.Nice to know we are still doing better than before.Kirito -
Had a couple days of faulty downloads. Looks like that has been corrected, didn't change anything on my end. Struggling to maintain my Top5K & hit 2KWUs. The HVAC replacement is probably a week away. I have a power meter now which has shown significant power saving & PPD efficiency with 75% power caps on the Nvidia GPUs.
Metrics for Nvidia Power Capping on the 1st system with a !660 & 2060 super showed an overall system 19.6% power reduction. The 2060 is still producing good PPD#s at the reduced pwr level. At the PPD below (high range) this 2060 super GPU is yielding an exceptionally high 11.04K PPD/watt. For comparison, an i7-7800x CPU is yielding 0.68K PPD/watt. Yes, I'm a retired engineer. LOL.
For your racing pleasure there's a tight battle going on for places 15-19
I’ll be giving up my place (currently 15) soon. I plan on scaling back once I reach 100M due to the energy cost of the computers (last month’s bill was 2X normal) and the additional energy consumption when we switch to ‘summertime hvac posture’. I’m going to purchase a wattmeter and continue folding with whichever 1 (or 2) computers show the least consumption but that will certainly drop my average daily points. Have at it 16-19 😊
Ryzen 3000 temp issue for F@H. I was shocked to find my Ryzen 5 3600x folding at 87C, that's with a Noctura HS too. tl;dr I used the Thermal Max BIOS settings to effectively set the temp I wanted. LESSON LEARNED: Don't trust AMD & MOBO Mfg to operate these CPUs
at moderate temperatures. Not sure what they throttle to regulate the MaxTemp, CPU speed was ~3.8 GHz, down from the core multiplier I set 40, or 4GHz. Set to 70Cmax it was a very stable 69C. NOTE: running the Cinebench benchmark wasn't as intense as F@H !! -
We just hit half a million work units! Awesome job folks!
ryau said:We just hit half a million work units! Awesome job folks!
I also see secretlab doing some points over there >.> -
MightyMayfield said:ryau said:We just hit half a million work units! Awesome job folks!
I also see secretlab doing some points over there >.>
@TSMichaelB Gamers Nexus mentions MC in the same sentence with Amazon! If AMD hasn't coped with the CV-19 delivery logistics, then the irony becomes Intel flooding shelves with hardware. I suspect most folks are willing to buy Intel anyway. I was thinking AMD shifted into B550 production too early & the stimulus checks exhausted current PC hdwr stock? Guess we'll know soon... with TSMC dumping Huawei, I wonder if they're delivering Intel 7um CPU samples???
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