Join the MicroCenterOfficial Folding@Home Team: #257944
I'm happy to see you back as is!
Another way to help would be to creatively devise a method to get GPUs to MCO Folders.
I have additional capacity but no GPUs. My MicroCenter Credit Card is ready to go!
Senior Covid Day at Marrietta is Tuesday, by Tuesday all the inventory is gone!
Guess shipments are usually Wed/Thur, based on what Andrew told me.
Spotted a new 'face', @hmv13
Power outage for me today, knocking the #s off a bit today.
What happened on Monday? I was credited with a half million points and 54 work units. That usually takes a week or so with my little GPU. As a whole MCO got 200M points, another spike way above average.
They recovered points from two servers that hadn't been updating.
Servers cooperating. Preparing for setting up additional hardware.
7am EST, 6hr from the FAH EOD, end-of-day.
MCO currently has five folders in the Top300!
You can use the search box to find your name or use the Team# 257944
Congrats @MightyMayfield , HUGE milestone: 10B points. Keep needling those Managers for more resources!
My GM has been exceptionally accommodating as is. Don't want to push my luck :p
EOD Sunday 3/14
Current MCO data:
We had four Folders in the Top300 point production.
Hah, That is fun to see. Didn't realize there was a place that you could see the daily production rank. I finally was able to get ahold of a new gpu(3090) that I've been running a bit on it. The point boost from that has been pretty nuts.
We had five in the Top300 today! @Phoenixx101 made Top200 today!
You can use search for a name or team#, MCO is 257944
Top300 link is:
I've been waiting to get some new hardware but it seems my store hasn't been getting much of anything at all. Been checking every day but no with no luck. Hoping things turn around soon.
My 3090 is on its way out it seems. I can game on it for hours like later today I'll be playing Destiny from 5 probably until after midnight without a hitch. I run a gsync 3440x1440 panel at around 100fps with all the eye candy turned up in game and the system ends up drawing roughly 600 watts.
However recently if I just start folding and let it run, my system black screens in some weird hard lockup that requires the reset button or power cycle. While locked up the power draw stays around 280-300 watts around double my idle consumption, but 150 watts less than when my system is folding. This machine only folds on the 3090 as the cpu runs several servers so folding power draw is usually around 450-490 watts. Not sure what the GPU is doing while its crashed but its doing something to be drawing that much extra power.
I've gone so far as to freshly install windows on a seperate SSD and disable all my other storage drives in the bios so theres no virus or data issues going on and it still crashes. Its also very random sometimes it will run all day without a problem other times it will crash shortly after starting folding.
Today I'm testing a new strategy where I limit the power target in precision to 75%. Even though in games the card runs fine boosting over 2000mhz, maybe it cant do it while folding? I'll update with the good or bad news as to how it runs later into today.
It started folding at midnight (EST) and as of 10:30 I've turned out 2,854,514 points. Not super impressive but its only drawing just under 400 watts now and it has run without issue for 10ish hours. Fingers crossed this solution lets me run without gaps in production aside from when I'm gaming in the evenings.
Bonus Rona info!!!! Ohio opened up vaccination to everyone 16 and up this week and yesterday Friday the 2nd, I got my first dose of Rona protection! I'm in the 30-40 age group and so far no side effects aside from my shoulder hurting (joint stiffness, muscle soreness) the worst it ever has from any shot. Good luck to all those waiting for shots, its just like GPU hunting! Keep refreshing!!!!
My 3070 is pushing 2.5M points in 24 hours. can't image 3090 pulls in 24 hours?
That works out to 6,524,603 PPD, which matches the 3090 stats posted on the LAR Systems site.
What temps are you seeing on the 3090? My 3070s run exceptionally cool, under 60C. I try to keep all the GPUs under 70C max. Also, I don't fold on CPUs because the kPPD/watt yield is weak compared to GPUs and it adds significant power and thermal loads to the system.
New arrival today, @trekwind
Running in the Top100 @#51, we have MM.
Hopefully, we'll see more of trekwind.
First day folding for MCO.
Just a reminder, verify your Passkey is entered in your configuration after a reinstall or other changes.
Gotta get those bonus points..........
I shop at the Madison Heights store in Michigan. I was supporting folding@EVGA, but since they stopped their $10|month promotion, I have decided to join MCO.
I’d like to acknowledge the one year anniversary of folding with the MCO team. Looking back, much has happened over the past year, including EUA of effective vaccines that some of us have taken. Hopefully all who want it will be vaccinated soon. I plan to continue folding as long as I can, whatever the cause, and keep learning new things, meeting new people, and supporting meaningful research.
@JBug55 Yesterday I finished the code to calculate active users over a specified span of days. First project was to characterize Folding's Spring Surge of 2020. While the surge faded quickly, likely due to WU availability, the donor contribution level is still 600% of pre-surge levels.
Pulled up information on recent WU uploads for MM. Looks like in the past 90 days folding has been installed on 67 machines that have come and gone. 😓 Only five have stood the test of time.
That's a lot of builds. Guess you must be swapping drives?
My first folder is still running. An ASUS Q87 & Intel i7-4770k. But two Asrock mobos didn't survive. My 'newest' mobo, a X570 Gigabyte UD had a NIC die, which was replaced by an Intel server NIC.
Twice in the last day, I found both of my 3070s waiting for WU, which also happened a few days ago.
I was going to try and add a 3080, but if WUs and Covid work are are thinning out, it can wait. I'll get in the various queues for other non-existent gear (3060Ti) when they are announced. Guess the 3080Ti will be the vaporware king of 2021?
I'm 3 minutes from a 3060 on the EVGA list, but it has such weak Folding performance, I've decided to pass on the opportunity.
Well, at least my baby GPU is getting a steady diet of moonshot work (knock on wood).
Intellectually I know that "points" are nothing more than "good player" awards. Emotionally it pisses me off to see that no work units are going to be finished today, or maybe even tomorrow. And when they do finally complete the points I'll get are a joke.
Since the points are worthless for anything but scorekeeping, why are some projects so stingy with them? Do they cost the project sponsors anything?
Actually if I had a choice I'd choose "shortest available project", 'cause I like work units better than points anyway.
Just upgraded my home rig from intel 10600K 1070GTX to AMD 5950X and EVGA 3080 FTW3 - all Microcenter Parts.
You are a lucky dude put that card to good use! I had a PNY 3090 that died and got refunded since PNY support couldn't give me an ETA when a replacement would be available. Since then I've been rocking a trusty 1080 for game play and folding on the 2080 I put into my minecraft server for the laughs. Everytime I think about taking the server down and swapping cards I think about the sick and state of things and just let it go. I'd love to replace my 2080 that does most of my folding with a 3080 but the 3 times or so I've been to the Mayfield MC, I've left empty handed. I live around an hour away and work 7-5pm weekdays and some Saturdays so its pointless to run up on a whim that late in the day when I know they'll be sold out before I get there. I don't expect to get a chance to find one in a store at this point until the next series of cards launch, probably the same time the stepup will be available for the 2080 I registered back in November last year.
I'm not sure what the algorithm is for distributing work units, but I do know that since I reduced power from "full" to "medium" in the folding@home control, I haven't gotten any Covid-related work units and that the GPU never gets used. Just the CPU, which makes my system noticeably draggy from time to time (the mouse pointer can't keep up with my mouse movements). A system performance check showed 95%+ of available cycles were in constant use.
Which seems a bit much for an app that supposedly uses just one core of eight. I may further reduce to "only when idle".
On CPU's you want to run them as paired/even counts for the app, do you have any flags set in your Advanced tab as well - this can fine tune some things and aid in better numbers.
Work units like this suggest there are still a few bugs left in the system. This is actually the third time I've noticed that all the effort spent on this biofilm project by my baby GPU is going to go to waste. It's not particularly motivating to know that. Sent an email to the only contact I could find for Voelz Lab, but nothing's changed so far.
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