RTX 5090 & 5080 Launch FAQs
If the return policy is 30 days you just stated 20 days have passed. Return the card then worry about a new one. What's confusing about that?
This is supposed to be a place to get quick answers. It's been 3 days and still waiting on a response to my last.
Hey @Aeon , believe me when I say I understand how you feel with the way the GPU situation has played out. I know it's frustrating, but remember that we're also consumers and enthusiasts here who love tech. We're not trying to make you feel like you're being ignored or that we don't care, we're trying to do the best we can with a situation that isn't ideal. I've been wanting to purchase an EVGA FTW3 3080, but have just not been able to because I'm contending with all the same things you are.
That said. I do want to make sure I clarify how the process works, because it seems like there are some misunderstandings here.
First thing is, the QR code is NOT posted on our website or any of the GPU webpages. The QR code is issued locally at the store, with a sheet that's posted/given out in person on the day a shipment is received. There's no advantage to crawling the website or constantly refreshing the page. All entries must be made in-person at the stores and anyone who is selected has to claim their card/voucher within 10 minutes, or their entry will be forfeited and redistributed.
Micro Center ultimately made a business decision that the random selection system would be the most fair overall because it most effectively reduces the ability of scalpers (who were going as far as to hire and pay people to stand in line and buy a card for them) to buy up inventory, and therefore put more cards into the hands of regular customers. This decision was made based on feedback from various channels, including the many customers who reached out to us about the concerns with the GPU shortage and suggested a system just like this. Previously, cards were first come first served, but now anybody in the raffle has an equal chance. Somebody who shows up at 9:29 and enters has the same chance at receiving a card as somebody who decided to camp overnight. On top of this, stores are also strictly enforcing purchasing limits of 1 GPU per 30 days and making sure to collect customer information based on ID to track it. No system is perfect, but this was what was ultimately settled on that Micro Center felt would be effective.
As far as being able to find out stock in advance, the reality of the situation is we don't really get that information. There is no consistent schedule that we receive cards. Stores may receive multiple shipments of products a week, but not have a single video card on any of them. Video cards may come on a random drop shipment from a manufacturer without any real notice. Our associates in stores may be able to provide you a good idea of the best times to expect a card and what days have generally been better for them, but ultimately there are no guarantees. The amounts we get and the times they arrive are basically random, and we are not receiving advanced notice for what may come either. I know it's frustrating to feel like you don't have a lot of information, but we're providing as much information as we can from our end here.
Again, I really do understand how you feel. I wish things were like they had always been and we didn't have to worry about this at all, but I hope that helps to clear everything up for you.
Thank you TSTonyV , that certainly clears up a lot of the confusion and makes more sense.
Just to confirm,
So there's basically no way for us to know the stock information unless we physically going to the store everyday and check, correct?
In which case, does that also mean all the popular cards (evga 3080s etc) will remain out of stock on micro center's website even if they're somehow still available in-store?
This system seeks to be fair (and it is, sort of); but the implementation is rather bizarre and still encourages a lot of pointless travel. I suggest online registration for the lottery, email delivery of vouchers to the winners, and a reasonable pickup window for those who are selected. 72 hours seems about right.
I'm not in need of a GPU, so I have the luxury of observing the madness from a distance. And from that perspective (and also as a former paramedic), I have problems with any system that encourages unnecessary travel. Respond to enough motor vehicle accidents and you'll understand why. Any trip incurs the risk of an accident, some of which are fatal or cause lifetime disabilities; so anything a vendor can do to minimize the necessity of making a trip is a gift to society.
What also bothers me is that in this case, a large percentage of customers seeking GPUs are likely children, teens, and young adults who want them for gaming. Why subject them to unnecessary risk?
I say maintain the monthly limits and all that jazz. I applaud Micro Center's stand against scalpers and miners. Bravo. But make the process more reasonable in terms of travel. Online registration with a reasonable pickup window for winners will eliminate unnecessary travel and enhance safety. It's the responsible thing to do.
From another angle, Micro Center is primarily a brick-and-mortar operation; and people who are able to pick up their purchases at a time that's convenient for them are much more likely to browse the aisles and buy more stuff.
At this time, the best way to find stock information regarding video cards is to visit the store. Due to the current Random Selection Process, the website may not always have the most accurate information for products associated with this process.
If we do have any stock remaining after the selection and redemption have been completed, these products will be placed on the shelves in the store. However, from my experience, it's very rare to see any 3080s make it through the Random Selection.
Thanks for the feedback!
This may not reflect the views of Micro Center, but personally, I think the 72-hour window is a bit too long. However, I agree with you about an extension possibly benefitting those who are at a distance and traveling. However, if there are those waiting for the chance to get one of these unclaimed cards, it would fall back to lines and camping. Which I think is far less fair. Again, this is only my opinion! I acknowledge that this isn't a perfect system, but I'm happy to hear your constructive feedback and discuss it with you! I'll gladly pass this along to those who are making the decisions regarding these processes.
The reason I thought 72 hours was reasonable was because some customers may be too young to drive and will have to persuade an adult -- who may not understand the significance of winning a GPU lottery -- to take them to the store. Or they may be new drivers who are so excited that they're distracted from their driving.
But 48 hours probably would be good enough, too. I'd just hate to read in the papers about some kid who got into an accident, G-d forbid, because he or she was rushing to get a GPU. That's my only concern. Safety.
Other than that, I can't say enough to commend you for trying to be fair to builders and thumbing your noses at the scalpers and miners. Kudos for that.
I very much agree with you on your concern about safety! I'd hope that everyone chooses to drive defensively and put extra caution when driving.
Just a reminder, this is only my opinion and may not reflect on the views of Micro Center. My thoughts behind saying that 72 hours was a bit long are that I think 3 days for us holding a card would turn into our reservation system. While this definitely has its ups for some, it also has its downsides. This also seems like it would be easier for scalpers to work around, with the extra time to get the card. I think this system severely cuts down the opportunity for those who are looking to scalp these cards and gives the opportunity for customers to be able to get a GPU in the store.
I'm sure that they have their reasons for this business decision, but I do know that your concerns, feedback, and criticisms are being reviewed! Now and in the past, MC has made decisions with customers in mind. (e.g. Even employees are not able to purchase GPUs.) And I'm sure that they will continue to do so!
I'm glad that you can see the efforts that have been put in place to get GPUs into the hands of builders and gamers!
Because of my work situation, I cannot drive to Microcenter every day for a "chance" at getting a 3080 Ti. I live 40 minutes away from the closest Microcenter which is the opposite direction of my workplace.
I feel the current system is very unfair to those who work for a living. Please implement an online system for the virtual line that gives, lets say, an 8 hour window to claim your product. This way, lets say I enter the system from work, and I can swing by afterwords if I'm chosen. I do not see why this can't be done and have an ID verification, phone number, etc.
I just wanted to say that I have just returned from the Duluth, GA Micro Center and was told that they will not be receiving any Nvidia GPUs until the middle of September. It would have saved me the trip if corporate would post something to this affect on the Random selection page. It would have saved this old fart a 2 hour round trip and saved the gas and pollution I emitted.
What are the chances of me getting a gpu from the random selection process? Its a 3 hour drive, and I wouldn't want to waste the day.
Thank you for your feedback, as @TSTonyV noted above to a similar question:
"Micro Center ultimately made a business decision that the random selection system would be the most fair overall because it most effectively reduces the ability of scalpers (who were going as far as to hire and pay people to stand in line and buy a card for them) to buy up inventory, and therefore put more cards into the hands of regular customers. This decision was made based on feedback from various channels, including the many customers who reached out to us about the concerns with the GPU shortage and suggested a system just like this. Previously, cards were first come first served, but now anybody in the raffle has an equal chance. Somebody who shows up at 9:29 and enters has the same chance at receiving a card as somebody who decided to camp overnight. On top of this, stores are also strictly enforcing purchasing limits of 1 GPU per 30 days and making sure to collect customer information based on ID to track it. No system is perfect, but this was what was ultimately settled on that Micro Center felt would be effective."
Thanks for your feedback, we do pass any feedback along in this thread along to see what changes can be made in the future!
Greetings, as our Community staff is not at the store, at this time, the best way to find stock information regarding video cards is to visit the store. Unfortunately, we do not have a way to guarantee what days our stores will receive these shipments as they do come in periodically to each Micro Center store. If we do have any stock remaining after the selection and redemption have been completed, these products will be placed on the shelves in the store.
Is there a virtual line every week day, or only certain days. If it's only certain days how do we find out what days. My closest micro center involves a 2 hour drive so I can drive over on a hope and a prayer.
Greetings, as our Community staff is not located at a specific store, the information we have on shipments is listed in the FAQ:
Shipments will vary by the store for these high-demand products as delivery dates and times are subject to change due to the nature of trucking schedules, the weather, etc. We recommend coming to the store and speaking with associates in our Build Your Own department. They may be able to provide an idea of when they receive shipments.
To add on to this FAQ answer, I have seen some store locations post a sheet out front when they do not have cards at or before their specified raffle time. If there are no cards, there is not a raffle / QR code posted.
Thanks for the response, just done constructive criticism: that is a terribly bias system. It already sucks that you need to take a day off work to try to get a card. But having to spend hours driving for a chance to get a chance to possibly get one..... well you kinda see where this system is flawed. At the very least there should be a schedule listed on the website showing which stores are getting deliveries on which days.
People can't take day after day off work and drive for hours every day just to hope that there will be a virtual line at said store. Or at the very least make it so you can join a virtual line from anywhere then give chosen people 24 hours to pick up their cards. That way people wouldn't have to miss work and spend the day driving for no reason. The way the system is now it discriminates against anyone who works normal day shift Monday- Friday and/or anyone who doesn't live in the direct vicinity of a micro center.
This is just my opinion, but I can't be the only person who feels this way. -
A couple questions:
- Are the prices shown online* for out of stock cards the same as what they are in-store with this process? That is: not as absurd as most places, but still well above MSRP
- Does it vary store-to-store or do stores answer the phones before the virtual queue opens (often before store open hours)? I live close enough to a store to not need to fully commit to the travel others have complained about**, but would like to be able to call and see if any card I'm interested is in the drawing before driving over
** Reasonably so, but opening up the internet does greatly increase odds for scalpers too--least I drive an EV to minimize pollution/gas wasted concerns 😃
Hi Tim, Thanks for your questions.
- Yes, prices are as listed on our website. The MSRP decided, in this case, does not take into considerations tariffs or other factors in pricing. From my understanding, our buyers have worked with board partners to obtain the lowest prices possible. The increase in cost is due to the increased cost of production and import.
- Does what vary store-to-store? If you're referring to shipments received, yes. It does vary depending on what has been distributed. The store phone number does ring through to our national contact center, where we do not have access to know what shipments may have been received or what the content of said shipment may be.
I hope this answers your questions! Please let me know if I misunderstood your inquiry!
Thank you again.
This information needs to be on the front page of the website! And this needs to be present on the graphics cards page as well! This process is unbelievably unorthodox and therefore needs to be blasted all over the website so people know to look out for a "LOTTERY ONLY" buying experience. Most stores are not doing this if you were unaware. Unfortunately for me, I too arrived early at a store after the selection process had ended because I had no idea it even existed and had to rely on fellow customers to explain a policy that they didn't even quite understand. Needless to say, as a customer, this is extremely frustrating when your website shows an item in stock, but not available to purchase in store when it is available because you didn't get into this "exclusive club" beforehand. I'm not a crypto-miner or a scummy scalper, just a lowly man looking to purchase a single graphics card so I can get back to the video and photo editing I do for my livelihood. Instead, your store seems to pride itself on the Apple, Inc. mentality that has so many professionals in the industry frustrated with their arrogance and "exclusiveness." I understand that quantities are low and there are shortages and I understand not having inventory, but that isn't my complaint. I just ask that if your policies change, to what you believe is a way to combat the craziness of the GPU industry I just pray you guys do a little bit better job at communicating it. Why as a customer is it my job to search through your frequently asked questions like a word search trying to decipher your Da Vinci code of a policy? If you plan on using these lotteries please for the sake of your customer base tell us! Don't make us search for it. Your job is to provide customers with products they require, not to send them on a wild goose chase and make up some scavenger hunt to collect the golden ticket to enter your chocolate factory. For the love of God, MicroCenter! 😒
Thank you for clarity on question 1.
On question 2, I mean that the hours of the virtual queue for my store are outside the normal business hours of the store. I am wondering if:
- I can call my store 15~20 minutes prior to the virtual queue beginning (presumably after they've unloaded the shipment and are aware what the stock is for that day, if any) to inquire if any of the GPU models I would consider purchasing are in that day's drawing prior to driving over/entering the queue
- OR
- Since it's outside normal business hours for my store, if no one will answer or--as you point out--my call will be redirected to the national center where I can't get the info I'm seeking
Essentially: I'm wondering if I can eliminate pointless trips to/from the store by calling ahead either the evening before or morning of a shipment or if that may vary from store-to-store.
This system is hilariously bad.
So, instead of creating a lottery that everyone can join to give you money, only people who can show up at 9am on weekdays to sit around for a couple of hours have a chance at winning the chance to buy a video card? If you don't even get 1 card in a week, you expect dozens of people to wait around for 2 hours for nothing?
So, if I show up 5 days straight and no cards have arrived, I've literally wasted 10+ hours for absolutely nothing?
Yikes. Which sub-70 IQ genius made up this system?
How about: QR Code can be scanned once per week on an account, for a particular store. Lottery only requires a scan once per week. If you are chosen, you get notice at 9am IF your card is at the QR code store you scanned, and you get till the end of the business day to show up and buy it.
Y'all created a truly awful lottery system here. It makes no sense whatsoever to make people drive to a store and sit there for hours when you might not have a single card available.
Greetings, Thank you for your feedback.
This information is indeed listed on our video card product pages. It links you to this thread. As an example the "find out how to get yours here" will link you here:
All the information regarding times, common questions etc., is listed in the first post here, so I am sorry for any confusion in finding out about this process.
Greetings, the store phone number is handled by our national contact center, and it would not be open yet for contacts if it is outside store hours. With this, they would not have information on store shipments. I understand your frustrations with the system and we are looking into ways to improve it and do take feedback like this and pass it along to the proper teams! However, at this time, the best way to find stock information regarding video cards is to visit the store. Due to the current selection process, the website may not always have the most accurate information for video cards associated with this process. We can recommend coming to the store and speaking with associates in our Build Your Own department. They may be able to provide an idea of when they receive shipments. If there are additional video cards after the raffle selection, they are available for purchase during normal store hours.
Greetings. Thank you for your feedback, I will advise to what @TSTonyV said about this process earlier in this thread to a similar question as it does provide insight as to why we have this system:
"Micro Center ultimately made a business decision that the random selection system would be the most fair overall because it most effectively reduces the ability of scalpers (who were going as far as to hire and pay people to stand in line and buy a card for them) to buy up inventory, and therefore put more cards into the hands of regular customers. This decision was made based on feedback from various channels, including the many customers who reached out to us about the concerns with the GPU shortage and suggested a system just like this. Previously, cards were first come first served, but now anybody in the raffle has an equal chance. Somebody who shows up at 9:29 and enters has the same chance at receiving a card as somebody who decided to camp overnight. On top of this, stores are also strictly enforcing purchasing limits of 1 GPU per 30 days and making sure to collect customer information based on ID to track it. No system is perfect, but this was what was ultimately settled on that Micro Center felt would be effective."
There needs to be a way to join a virtual line from anywhere without having to go to the store to scan a QR code. It doesn't make sense to have to drive all the way to the store just in hopes of a virtual line being made available that day. If each store who got fresh stock could open a virtual line that customers could enter from where ever they might be by clicking a link or something. That would open opportunities for allot more people to be able to participate. Even as far as I live if a virtual line opens at 9:00 and closes at 9:30 then chosen entrants get notified at 9:45 and have 15 minutes to pick up their cards. That would give me an hour, if I drive 90 and didn't hit any traffic I could probably get there in an hour. Where the way it is now there is no way I can justify driving all the way to Fairfax every day just hoping a line will open that would give me a chance to maybe get chosen for a card. Even if it wouldn't include missing work the distance alone makes it a Ludacris idea. There are allot of ways this process could be made a bit more fair because this process excludes a large percentage of the population.
There should be a better (or multiple) ways than just going into the store to find out about accurate GPU stock because a 2-hour drive is one thing but for me it (and I'm pretty sure for a lot more)... Micro centers aren't everywhere in the US yet they seem to be one of the main locations to have consistent stock of them. I live in the central Florida area, and the closest Mircocenter are the two in Georiga. in cases like this, I think there is a valid justification for having longer windows for people getting their GPU if selected. There's no reason not to.
I agree
the problem this lottery is supposed to solve is to prevent scalpers from camping out of stores to get graphics card before people even get in line
i believe the problem with making the lottery online is then the scalpers have an even bigger advantage of signing up multiple times using different identifications and having an even better chance of getting a graphics card
I think a way of solving this is probably using a hybrid approach where you go to the store to sign up for the lottery where you have to provide an ID and maybe even have your picture taken and have that picture checked to see if the person had signed up already ( could even use google photos to store the photos and search for people based on a face ), then that person could be notified through email if thy were chosen and they would have 24 hrs to buy it.
im glad micro center is at least attempting to come up with a better system, but I think this current system isn’t a whole lot better for people who can’t go to the store everyday to check the stock.
Im in Dallas for vacations and I wanted to buy a graphics card but I dont know if I can do that because I dont have a Drive license or an State ID. Can I ?
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