Random Selection Process and FAQ [Updated 4/1/22]



  • Hi.

    Can I get confirmation in how GPU stock works on the website? I have been monitoring GPU stock for the past month or so and been noticing that stock sometimes shows up on the website around 8 am prior to the store being opened and then disappearing off of the website within an hour or so showing sold out before the store opens.

    If GPUs are being sold in store only, why is stock showing up on the website and disappearing before the store opens? I was told that the trucks show up on Mondays and Thursdays at my local microcenter and believe, perhaps, this is happening because stock needs to be put into the system when the truck arrives, and then gets removed as the raffle occurs which is understandable. However, this doesn't explain why this is happening on days that the trucks don't show up because what I was told by a local employee is that the raffle only occurs on days trucks deliver GPU stock. If stock is showing up on the website on days the trucks are not delivering, then who is buying these cards if its in store only before the store opens if employees aren't allowed to buy?

    Also, would it be possible to update stock on the website to show which GPU's are being raffled? For people like myself that lives over an hour away, this doesn't make any sense for me to travel an hour on days that have a raffle and show up to find out that the specific card I am looking for isn't available on raffle for that specific day. By having a list of cards available for raffle on the specific day would help others tremendously to know whats available. Personally, its a waste of time for me to drive up there to have no chance because the card is not available. Also, the fact you cannot call the store directly and ask whats available is problematic. There needs to be a better option for people who have to travel a distance to get to the store.

  • I don’t really get the process but if I walk in and saw 3070 or 3080 I can’t buy it unless I got ticket?

  • C_Watkins
    C_Watkins ✭✭
    10 Comments Name Dropper Photogenic
    edited September 2021

    If there are any leftover after the raffle apparently they go into the cases and are up for grabs, yeah. Just don't make the mistake of seeing them in your store showing 'in stock' on the website and drive out there... because they won't be there when you get there. You have to actually be in the store and see them, or ask an employee if there are any left and get lucky.

  • tbenedum
    First Comment
    edited September 2021

    I was excited to have a chance at getting a GPU, but alas, I live 2 1/2 hours from Microcenter, and this lottery system is just a slap in the face. People wo have jobs, people who live more then a reasonable distance from the store, are out of luck. =( I can't drive 2 1/2 hours to see if you have any cards that day, then wait 45 minutes just at a chance to buy one. This was the best system you could up with? But, thanks for trying. Here's and idea, couldn't you vary the times for the sign-up? One week it's at 9am, the next week at 3pm, then at noon, then at 5pm? something where people who have jobs have at least a shot at signing up?

  • It already difficult to get one when u living in the near the area! 
    anyway the code thing QR thing it black in the middle is it suppose to be like that?

  • The stock may be updated in the morning when a shipment is received and processed as being held for the raffle process. I can't speak to the details on why they are showing up every time. Though this is likely due to the store receiving shipments as mentioned before. Many stores do have typical days that they receive shipments, however, there are times when drop-shipments from vendor partners are sent directly to the store and other times when shipments may have been delayed or altered. This is one of the reasons that I have been told we do not have a firm time to be able to tell others when shipments will arrive. Regarding Inventory being updated on the site, this does not always mean that there was a purchase associated with the change and due to the unique circumstance with GPUs at this time I would say that it is rarer for a stock update to be associated with a purchase than the other way around.

    Great suggestion regarding current items that would be included in the daily raffle. I know I've heard this one before and I've shared it with our corporate office. I'll let them know that it's being requested again!

    @C_Watkins Has the right answer here but I can elaborate on this a bit further.

    As mentioned, if the website shows that something is in stock, it is very likely sold out within minutes. As you're aware, GPUs are a highly sought-after item. So if you can see that a GPU is listed as in-stock during normal store hours, consider it an error or already sold out.

    I like your suggestion for a rotating time! This is the first time that I've seen someone recommend that. I believe that we currently have the time of raffle set based on the time that the store typically receives shipments. I'd be happy to pass along this recommendation!

    True, the limited availability of these cards really does make it tough to get one.

    To answer your question @LoS, yes, the black box is intentional. It's just a placeholder to show you what to look for when you get to the store. Our stores will have a copy similar to this with a working QR code for you to scan. These vary from store to store and must be scanned in person. 👍

  • Did the time for signing up for the random selection process change?

    The website appears to indicate that the waitlist will open a hour or so after the store opens.

    When the waitlist opens , I get the notification that I signed up. But nothing after that.

    It has done this the last 3 times I've tried.

    Thanks for your help :)

  • Hello @Digitaldragon754 I'd be happy to look into this for you.

    Have you spoken with an associate in the store about this? Also, which store are you referring to?

  • How do I know when the store recieve shipment? Thanks.

  • Ian
    Ian ✭✭✭✭✭
    Eighth Anniversary 5000 Comments 250 Answers 500 Likes

    Greetings, as our Community staff is not located at a specific store, the information we have on shipments is listed in the FAQ:

     Shipments will vary by the store for these high-demand products as delivery dates and times are subject to change due to the nature of trucking schedules, the weather, etc. We recommend coming to the store and speaking with associates in our Build Your Own department. They may be able to provide an idea of when they receive shipments.

    To add on to this FAQ answer, I have seen some store locations post a sheet out front when they do not have cards at or before their specified raffle time. If there are no cards, there is not a raffle / QR code posted. Also, if cards are still available after the raffle, they may be purchased by customers in-store during regular business hours.

  • Houston location.

    I haven't spoken to an associate about it. Didn't want to bug them about the wait list and gpu availability questions.

    I tried the queue a few times since the post and the queue appears to be working normally now. :)

  • Ian
    Ian ✭✭✭✭✭
    Eighth Anniversary 5000 Comments 250 Answers 500 Likes

    I am glad to hear it is working as intended. To verify you were scanning the code directly at the store and you were having the trouble before?

  • So if I work 9-5 m-f, and I'd like to purchase this card from microcenter, do I have to take off and use PTO every day just to only *maybe* buy the card that I'm working hard to afford?
  • Ian
    Ian ✭✭✭✭✭
    Eighth Anniversary 5000 Comments 250 Answers 500 Likes

    Greetings. I understand your frustration as the raffle process is typically only in the mornings for most stores. We are always looking into ways to improve this process to assist as many customers as possible. I would like to add quite frequently at some stores I do see customers able to purchase various graphics cards well into the business day that do not get raffled off in the mornings.

  • Is it still possible to walk into a Microcenter and purchase a graphics product if it is in stock?
  • Ian
    Ian ✭✭✭✭✭
    Eighth Anniversary 5000 Comments 250 Answers 500 Likes

    If it's after the specified raffle time for your local store and cards remain in stock after that, yes they can be purchased off the shelf during normal store hours.

  • Did any cards arrive at the NJ store today? 
  • Ian
    Ian ✭✭✭✭✭
    Eighth Anniversary 5000 Comments 250 Answers 500 Likes

    Greetings, as our Community staff is not located at a specific store, the information we have on shipments is listed in the FAQ:

     Shipments will vary by the store for these high-demand products as delivery dates and times are subject to change due to the nature of trucking schedules, the weather, etc. We recommend coming to the store and speaking with associates in our Build Your Own department. They may be able to provide an idea of when they receive shipments.

    To add on to this FAQ answer, I have seen some store locations post a sheet out front when they do not have cards at or before their specified raffle time. If there are no cards, there is not a raffle / QR code posted. Also, if cards are still available after the raffle, they may be purchased by customers in-store during regular business hours.

  • What about those of us that don't have a smart phone?

  • Ian
    Ian ✭✭✭✭✭
    Eighth Anniversary 5000 Comments 250 Answers 500 Likes

    Greetings, I would suggest visiting your local store and working with a store sales associate for assistance. Keep in mind, if cards are still available after the raffle, they may be purchased by customers in-store during regular business hours.

  • Just came to say thanks Microcenter for putting up with all these complainers people are getting lazy and expect everything their way and right now life doesn't work like that whiners 
  • Scythe
    Name Dropper First Comment
    edited November 2021
    After been to Micro Center 3 times a week for 2 months I was able to get an RTX 3080, unfortunately for me it was a faulty card. I decided to go to MC and see if I could get an exchange (obviously they are not in stock) but the service guys in MC told me that I might be able to get in a “Priority List” if I talk to a manager. Turns out that the manager was very rude and automatically asked me if I bought MC’s warranty, I didn’t bought it and I was trying to return the card 6 days after the purchase. He proceeded to tell me that because I didn’t buy their warranty I was not going to be put in that priority list. This is ridiculous they didn’t even mentioned that to me when I bought the card and now I have to keep camping the store to get a chance at one. Worst customer support and management ever. (DALLAS STORE)
  • Ian
    Ian ✭✭✭✭✭
    Eighth Anniversary 5000 Comments 250 Answers 500 Likes

    Hello, I'll be sending you an email for further assistance with this.

  • Any idea if this same system will be used for the alder lake launch tomorrow?

  • Great question. Would be great if they posted a response. I guess I will head out in the morning and see.

  • Hi @C00kieduster and @DevDoc

    Apologies for the slow response. It's been a crazy day for me and I'm just getting time to check my notifications here.

    We're planning on opening a bit earlier for the Intel release tomorrow. 9 AM!

    From what information has been shared with me, I understand that we will be using this system for the launch tomorrow. However, we do expect to have a fair amount of stock tomorrow, and frequent shipments going forward.

    Best of luck!

  • Thank you very much for confirming. Is the store going to open at 9AM or the virtual line or both? I am a Madison Heights, Michigan customer if that makes any difference. Thanks again.

  • Is there any reason that the Intel Alder Lake CPUs and motherboards got pulled off the site at midnight? I was concerned until seeing your comments, but there is no harm in asking directly.

  • JS_MC
    JS_MC admin
    1000 Comments 250 Likes Third Anniversary 25 Answers
    edited November 2021

    Doors open at 9 from what I was told. I haven't received any clarification on the virtual line. If it's anything like past launches, you might want to arrive a bit early.

    As to your question about stock on the website, I believe that this is our system getting ready to post and change things in the morning. Not 100% certain on this though. I don't think my normal go-to contact at our corporate office is in at the moment. 😁😁 I'd still be happy to inquire about it in the morning, but unfortunately, that will be after the launch.

  • There really needs to be a better way to do this. I cannot afford to take the time to show up to my local Denver store every morning just to SEE what's POTENTIALLY in stock that day. This system is completely, and totally terrible. I've gone through it twice, and I've now given up on buying a GPU through Microcenter. Such a shame.

    There absolutely needs to be a way to get in a queue and see what's in stock that day online, this is just stupid.

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