AMD RX 6000 Series/Big Navi Keynote Launch Discussion & FAQ (updated)
Any update on Davis st.? line?
2 people so far according to the discord channel
Has anyone seen how the Cambridge location looks?
According to the dallas store channel there is 30 people in line and 15 cards in total.
I pass by Cambridge and la 20 people was already on line that was a 11 amHas anyone seen how the Cambridge location looks?
@LandShark hi can you please clarify when you say AIB partners this means Reference right not their custom cards?
Mayfield 7 in line now
Okay so for the Mayfield location. Just spoke to the GM, no propane allowed. Also the state of Ohio governor put in a 10pm curfew for business and stores. We are all unsure if the city will make us leave so we are now putting together a list.
From the Microcenter Tustin roll call spreadsheet, there are already apparently 163 people queued up in line: actually have a return for that store anyways, so I can confirm this afternoon in person.Was originally planning on trying to show up early tomorrow AM to acquire a 6800XT as well as handling my return, but doesn't seem worth dealing with the crowds given how slim the odds look now.
@Serpo33 If your name is on the list, do you have a spot reserved in line?
Any updates on the Marietta GA location?
@Serpo33 i’m heading up there soon but apparently from i’ve heard that starts in affect thursday not wednesday
How many in line currently at the Madison Heights, MI LOCATION? Any idea how many xt cards at that location?
CodeRedd said:How many in line currently at the Madison Heights, MI LOCATION? Any idea how many xt cards at that location?
I'm also in Michigan. Haven't seen us mentioned yet. Wondering if I should even bother with the drive to get there around 7am tomorrow.
Currently 9 in line at WESTMONT, ILLINOIS
A list is active with 2 hour check-ins -
According to those on discord, Madison Heights (MI) has 2 XTs and 10 6800s. 13 in line currently
Wow! Well that's just Sad! 😔
Mayfield 8 in line now
Anyone at the Duluth location?
Anyone at Mayfield hear about quantities?
bbnn said:@LandShark hi can you please clarify when you say AIB partners this means Reference right not their custom cards?
Any body at Tustin?
Impapi said:Any body at Tustin?
Basically, but it can only be enforced by the people in line, manager says they can't have anything to do with a list before tomorrow morning. But everyone here so far is in agreement that as long as you stay here it is your place in line. I'm not getting a card, just here with someone so I'm controlling the discord channel, whenever someone gets here we put their name and place in the channel and send them an invite so they can view the list.Kraken421 said:@Serpo33 If your name is on the list, do you have a spot reserved in line?
Jojo_a_gogo said:
from discord "So in Detroit there are only 2 XT’s and 10 6800 just so you guys know manager just came out to tell us since it’ll be below freezing tonight"
Parkville has 7 people in line
Im I just got to dallas and there is over 50 people. If this helps anyone.
How would it work with a shipment arriving later in the day on launch day? Does a new line form after all cards are sold out at launch? Or does it become first come first serve at that point?
from what I heard, currently at Fairfax they have 4 6800xt's and 10 or so 6800's. all 6800xt's are claimed currently but there's a chance for them to get more
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