[CLOSED] Back to School with Micro Center - Win a $500 Micro Center Gift Card!
I chose a budget friendly build because if i win i wanna be able to afford the rest of my build. I wanna be able to play with my brother over seas and maybe even start streaming. good luck to everyone else!!
simple build, on a low budget so I might have to switch up a few things but I already have an RX 580 but can't afford any newer graphic cards.
I am trying to build a starter pc that would allow me to play light games. As well as having the ability to do homework and do some 3d modeling.
Hey guys, my second build going for a new gaming rig, check it out.
I am a medical student and I need some time off the books and studying, so I want a good PC that I can stream my late night Valorant and CSGO games. This build fits quite well for my competitive valorant and cs rank games, but I think being a professional gamer might take more time. Starting from the bottom :D
I am not that familiar with what parts are good but from what I have seen this is what I want. This pc is going to be used for gaming, streaming, editing, and developing video games. I want to be able to play video games with my friends and make content. This will also help me code games for my job in the future. I first wanna get through college with it. The money from the gift card will go towards the GPU. I am hoping I can get a GPU soon!
This has been my dream build since I got into gaming and I would love to have some of it started.
This is a dream build I have, it’s great but not too overkill and I could use it for schoolwork and gaming. https://www.microcenter.com/site/content/custom-pc-builder.aspx?load=2f9e050c-9baf-470d-b6d9-98d0a48f395d
I am trying to build a PC that is mostly for music producing, school work and gaming. Music producing takes up a lot of CPU and RAM, which is not something that my not bad but not great laptop has. Gaming is another thing that I really need which is why I chose that GPU, one of the newest which is pretty cool. School work is also something that needs quite some RAM, my laptop can just barely hold up to what I am trying to do all of the time. School work really do be like that though. So yeah, just for music production, school and gaming. Just and average person here trying to win something to maybe brag at my friends. MAYBE.
This is my first PC build. I just want to game more. To get better FPS, I have made this build.
I have an at least 15 year old iMac and I need a new computer but don't have enough money to buy one. Everything has been running super slow and I can barely run CS:GO on low settings. I also can barely run Minecraft on the lowest settings and it still crashes sometimes. I also really want to do content creation and the GPU has NVIDIA's NVANC Encoder on it so it will really help with that. I've really wanted to build a PC in the past but I've never got around to doing it and this would mean the world to me! Good luck to everyone!
This is my dream PC but with the $500 Gift card if I win, I would probably invest in a CPU such as a i7 8700k or a GPU like a GTX 2070 super.
I have my pc together but I'm stuck with a gt 710 and 500 dollars would help me get a better gpu. I'm wanting to become a vtuber to stream so a gpu would help complete my build.
I love this build because it's my favorite color scheme for my room (red, black and white) and I need a high-end PC because I want to play games and edit YouTube videos. https://www.microcenter.com/site/content/custom-pc-builder.aspx?load=4b7221cf-7b47-4f2d-8503-eb733b4e2c34
https://www.microcenter.com/site/content/custom-pc-builder.aspx?load=2d881440-d4c8-43dd-b40c-a8b11e2d12d0 just what i need after my laptop died on me:(
I am looking for a reasonably priced build that I can use to game, stream, code, PC VR, and do video editing on. I would use the $500 to invest in actually building it, along with what I have already currently saved.
I know I could absolutely just go crazy and try to get the absolute top hardware, but I also know that wouldn't be very cost efficient or worth it when I'd waste months of savings on it unless I got a larger return!
I mainly want to build a PC for gaming and school work, I would like to play some games like Apex Legends, Valorant And some other FPS games. I have two uncles that are streamers, and I want to join in on the fun. I have never owned a PC myself, i have only had a school laptop that can not even run Valorant which is kinda sad haha. Its always been my dream of mine to just to own a PC and play games with my uncles and just have fun in general! I am getting peripherals soon and all i need is a PC now!! If I don't win the $500 Gift card, then it is what it is, ill just have to deal with it!.
I mainly want to build a PC for gaming and school work, I would like to play some games like Apex Legends, Valorant And some other FPS games. I have two uncles that are streamers, and I want to join in on the fun. I have never owned a PC myself, i have only had a school laptop that can not even run Valorant which is kinda sad haha. Its always been my dream of mine to just to own a PC and play games with my uncles and just have fun in general! I am getting peripherals soon and all i need is a PC now!! If I don't win the $500 Gift card, then it is what it is, ill just have to deal with it!. I Tried to keep it lower budget for the PC!
I mainly want to build a PC for gaming and school work, I would like to play some games like Apex Legends, Valorant And some other FPS games. I have two uncles that are streamers, and I want to join in on the fun. I have never owned a PC myself, i have only had a school laptop that can not even run Valorant which is kinda sad haha. Its always been my dream of mine to just to own a PC and play games with my uncles and just have fun in general! I am getting peripherals soon and all i need is a PC now!! If I don't win the $500 Gift card, then it is what it is, ill just have to deal with it!. I tried to keep it most budget friendly as posable while still having a decent PC!
I mainly want to build a PC for gaming and school work, I would like to play some games like Apex Legends, Valorant And some other FPS games. I have two uncles that are streamers, and I want to join in on the fun. I have never owned a PC myself, i have only had a school laptop that can not even run Valorant which is kinda sad haha. Its always been my dream of mine to just to own a PC and play games with my uncles and just have fun in general! I am getting peripherals soon and all i need is a PC now!! If I don't win the $500 Gift card, then it is what it is, ill just have to deal with it!. I tried to keep it as budget friendly as posable while still having a good performance PC Gaming and School!
I’ve been looking to build a gaming PCs for a while now. I have been using my laptop and it tends to overheat and isn’t able to handle any high end games. I would use this pc for both gaming and for the 3d modeling and animations I do for my engineering classes
This was my first from scratch pc build that I made last year after saving for a few months. Some of the parts are subbed in for parts I bough that were not from microcenter with similarly priced and spec'd numbers. I was able to build it with all parts at MSRP and even lower on some parts.
I just want a PC to play some games on. lol
This is what I think my dream build would be:
I've only really use laptops (currently using the ASUS Q507iq) and I really want to get into content creation and streaming as a hobby and potentially a career, but I can't currently with the laptop I'm using. I really want to pursue this path and I hope that I can get the chance to get the right equipment so that I can work towards this goal :)
this is my build and i want to use it for gaming and making / recording music i also want to use it for school. right now i play on a first gen xbox and i really want to upgrade so i can play games like valorant and minecraft java with my friends
This is for my nephew Dominic's first gaming computer. He is 10 and likes Rocket League and Minecraft (no shooter games allowed at this time), so no need for anything too crazy, but needs to be reliable and look 'awesome'. We're going 1080p monitor 144 MHz IPS with FreeSync. Video cards are redonkulous right now, but the Ryzen 5 5600G APU should be good enough for now - reviews show it does well with these games at 1080. We can upgrade later. Picked the AsRock mobo because I have the B350 version, and it's been good, so ya. I wanted to do a white case build, and think it will work with the decor in their game nook, so white Lian Li Lancool 205 Mesh (got to have mesh for the airflow), white memory, white mouse and keyboard. Storage is 512MB m.2 NVMe 3.0 from Inland for the boot drive and most used games, plus a 2 TB hdd for bulk storage. He already has headphones, so we don't need those, and the USB flash drive is for installing Windows (I'm going to help him with that). That's it - it's pretty basic, but should be enough to get up and running/building/etc.
So, my cousin built a PC last year and this year I also felt a need to upgrade my setup so I started looking and the setup I've chosen is a healthy upgrade from my current one, I'm on really tight budget so kept the price as low as possible but it can game with decent graphics and frame rate. Plus, I really need a SSD to boot and stuff but I'll store my files in a hard drive to save costs.
wanted to go a wanted to go all out if this was my dream build
Decided to make a build that could serve me faithfully and get me through anything I need to do for school, and be able to game, code, render, 3D model, edit 4K footage, and have plenty of overclocking and upgrade headroom:
For my CPU I chose an Octa-Core (8 core) AMD Ryzen 5800x, mainly due to the performance-to-cost advantage that AMD has, and it would be a MASSIVE step up from the dual-core i5-7200U that I use today. For my memory I chose 32 gigs of DDR4-3200 megahertz G.Skill Ripjaws memory, and, although it isn't the fastest memory on the market, is is a HUGE step up from my 12 gigs of DDR4-2133 megahertz, and it will handle multitasking MUCH better. For my case I went with an ATX mini tower, because it fits my motherboard, and it would be cool to build in a cube case. For my power supply I went with an SFX 750 watt 80 plus platinum, fully modular power supply, as it is somewhat future-proof, and better than an 1000+ watt power supply with a worse 80 plus rating. For my Graphics Card, I went with the 30-Series mid-ranger, the RTX 3070. Though this card is out of stock, in a normal market, it would be the card I would choose due to it's power, and lower power consumption than something like a 3090. For my SSD, I went with a 1 terabyte Samsung 980. I didn't go with the pro as it costed a considerable amount more, and the regular 980 is already fast enough imo, but I use a mechanical hard drive so anything's an upgrade! I also decided to throw in a 4k60 pro, just in case I want to film or stream with my friends in the future.
The sad thing is, even if I could afford the rest of the build, due to the chip shortage and scalpers, a GPU is IMPOSSIBLE to get!
I want to build a computer that can handle light gaming and also portable for college.
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