Installing the latest RetroPie image with the Atari Games Card
@NickBiederman Hi. Thank you for the above instructions. I just purchased the Trooper II and this post directed me to this post. In that post it states the Trooper II is now plug and play. However, even after following the above the Trooper II is not working when a game is selected. I have gone through the configuration and it works in the menus. but after selecting any game I am seeing a message popup for a short period of time on the bottom left of the screen that states "Trooper II is not configured". So I am not sure what to do at this point.
Any ideas?
Thank you.
I'm having the same issue - won't boot off the SD. I tried another SD, no issue - so the problem has got to be with the card. I put the card in my Mac, and there is data on it. Any help would be appreciated.
Hello, have you tried the instructions we have listed on our article for this?
Sorry to hear of the issue. Is this regarding a recent purchase (within 30 days) from Micro Center? If so we can see what options may be available.
@NickBiederman / @Ian /@TSTDavey, it appears this is the place to ask about card images, and sorry to add to the list. I purchased an open box Atari Pi Kit, but not from MicroCenter. The case hadn't been assembled, and little else appears to have been touched, but it won't boot (blank screen) and the MicroCenter SD card appears to be blank if I stick it in a PC.
I have a receipt, but no obvious way to connect it to MicroCenter. Is there a serial number or something else I can provide to show ownership and get the correct SD card image?
Hello, I will be sending you an email regarding this! Sorry for the delay.
I accidentally reset the joystick/button mappings. Now the joysticks and buttons are not doing much of anything. How can I get a link to the original image so I can start over? My reference number is 181-RE-9567680
Thank you
Hello, I will be sending you an email regarding this!
I purchased the bar top kit and I'm very happy with it but when I power up I come up with the Raspberry PI desktop. I've logged onto the PI once I got the network set up I searched the file system for Atari and I saw that the Atari rom files are there but I can not find out how to boot into the Atari mode. I looked at the Retropie site but I do not see those files on this card. Could someone point me to how I can get this card to boot into Atari mode? Thanks in advance.
I've been having the problem exactly like many of the others who posted here.
Bought the full size Atari arcade system, built it, connected everything up, booted the system for the first time and no Games -- just a generic Rasberry PI system. Browsing through the filesystem, I could not find any startup files or anything else that references retroPie or Atari. (I only used the hardware that came with the system.)
Is there an image I can download to use in place of what's on the microSD card that came with the system?
Hey @twike Sorry to hear that you're also having an issue with this.
I'll reach out to you via email with a solution!
Having the same issue as everyone else with the card.
Greetings, you do not have a copy of the Atari game files?
No, it is just booting up to a vanilla Raspberry Pi prompt. There are no games or menu. Looks like something has gotten corrupted. Is there an image I can write to the card to start over or is it better just to return it?
Hi @MMarcoux66 We'll be reaching out to you directly to assist with correcting this concern. Please expect an email from us!
I bout a IPSG ATARI 32GB SD card and there are no files on it. What can I do about it?
Hello @lps141 I'll send you an email regarding this for further assistance.
Hi Ian sorry for getting back to your sooner. I have not found your email. what would the subject line be?
Thank you
Hello, I'll re-send the email regarding this.
My card cracked when I was swapping out SD Cards. Can someone please help me with an image file to apply to a replacement card?
Thank you!
Greetings, I have emailed you information regarding this.
@LandShark this is an old thread, so I'm hoping that you are still around, as I'm having the same issue. I put the Atari SD card in and nothing happens, my Raspberry Pi won't even boot. How do I fix the Atari card?
@Ian this is an old thread, so I'm hoping that you are still around, as I'm having the same issue. I put the Atari SD card in and nothing happens, my Raspberry Pi won't even boot. How do I fix the Atari card?
Hello, just seeing this other post, but just wanted to clarify to both of us that the proper information has been sent over to you for this via your other discussion thread.
@ian i am having an issue with my SD card and got an email from micro center support but they suggest I return it (I am pretty sure I got the last one so I wouldn't be able to get a replacement) or that I check the manufacturer website to get the files. What website? He helped me out with getting my reference number (I don't have my receipt anymore but I did give my phone number when I purchased it) but I don't think he has experience with this sort of issue. I've seen other people be sent an image they could flash on their incomplete SD card, could I get that? -
Greetings, I looked into your email chain and the file they sent you on WeTransfer on Sunday is the same file we send to any purchasers with this issue.
@ian thanks i got it. Is this the version with the "MC" theme, or do I have to update it?
Hello, The file sent to you is the latest version I'm aware of.
I purchased two atari SD cards, and finally got around to installing these on my Rasperry Pi 3. Neither of these work. One shows black screen. The other is stuck on the Microcenter splash screen with no option to install. Is there an issue with the image or is the SD card corrupted?
@Ian I recently purchased the Atari 32GB SD card, but I believe it contains the wrong image. I have my transaction reference number. Can you send me the correct one? Thanks.
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