NVIDIA 3000 Series Launch & Micro Center FAQ!
June007 said:@NIGH7MVRE Can you pls send pics for proof? was planning to go there to check too but maybe not anymore. Did you get to be one of the lucky 15? If so congrats
@NIGH7MVRE daaamn that many already,thanks for saving me the trip though appreciate it! best of luck to us in getting one someday
Walmart is selling rtx 3090 for 1,000 bucks more than what it's worth...right now. Looks like scalping has already started. I wonder how many months it'll be before I can actually get a 3090.
Here's the link to those who are dumb enough to pay an extra 1000 bucks than the original price of the 3090fe. -
looking4a3090fe said:Walmart is selling rtx 3090 for 1,000 bucks more than what it's worth...right now. Looks like scalping has already started. I wonder how many months it'll be before I can actually get a 3090.
Here's the link to those who are dumb enough to pay an extra 1000 bucks than the original price of the 3090fe. -
12 confirmed in denver, im number 13 in line dammit
Lucy said:Sharonville update ?
So will there be a restock of any 3080 AIB cards at select microcenter locations stemming from the launch of the 3090?
can buy a 3090 right now. Even walmart getting in on the scalping game. -
NY - Flushing and Westbury update?
According to the dude who's been there since 3AM Wednesday morning @ the flushing location there's 7-8 people in line as of an hour ago. With only 2 confirmed ASUS cards. his words not mine "i seen a box of 10 evga cards come off a truck and all the store employee's confirmed they were getting sent back to EVGA". Don't know why EVGA would be recalling cards.
any Sharonville OH updates? We are coming from Indiana and it is 2 hour drive for us. Wanted to know if there are already enough people to empty out the shelves. Did they already give out vouchers?
@freakore there's like 20+ people on line and only 10 cards I'm number 13 hoping for more cards in the morning
Anyone have eyes on the Columbus OH store?
Ok, I'm not seeing anything available on amazon, before 11:59am and at 12:01. WTF?
amazon, new egg, best buy, nothing available....all says coming soon.
Refresh @ 9am est.
Salty_Bananas said:Refresh @ 9am est.
looking4a3090fe said:Salty_Bananas said:Refresh @ 9am est.
Can I get a roll call on how many cards are at what stores as of now? I'm at Sharronville microcenter and there's 10 cards as of right now, I'm #13 in line, waiting to see what will happen
Anybody know how long the lines are at Paterson NJ?
At the Westmont IL store 3 Asus cards available 8 EVGA cards sent back for some reason and I’m number 5..
Good vibes from Mayfield! Many people in line having a good time.
Well, it's another failed launch. Bestbuy won't even load 3090 search results, Amazon still saying unavailable, newegg still saying out of stock, and thank GAWD cuz I just watched the 7th review video of 3090 vs 3080 and it turns out I really need a 3080 because I just want to game in 4k, and the 3090 is only 10-15% faster than 3080. So it looks like I'm gonna refuse to buy a 3090 for the same reasons I didn't get the 2080ti a year ago.
Is Micro Center trying to get FE cards? I am wondering if I can remove them from my list of pages to monitor since they still don't even have the 3080 or 3090 FE listed.
Sooo.. I managed to get one in my cart on bestbuy and they are not letting me buy it.. but I am not letting it go.. lolol - this is dumb.
Update, they have no forcably removed it from my cart
It's just stuck here 😣
Once again failed online
This pisses me off.....
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